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6th Ward Alderman? Marilyn Moisio!!!
blingmama Wrote:So sluethy and angry that TypesWithFist is. Stick it to them brother.

I say we get someone who is just as snappy a dresser as Alderman TenPas. That would be awesome.

There aren't many who appreciate turquoise polyester!
It's more of a teal.
TypesWithFist Wrote:
blingmama Wrote:So sluethy and angry that TypesWithFist is. Stick it to them brother.

I say we get someone who is just as snappy a dresser as Alderman TenPas. That would be awesome.

There aren't many who appreciate turquoise polyester!
Yes, Salvation Army is very lucky to have Larry as a customer.
JazminH Wrote:It's more of a teal.
I knew a young girl who once had a Teal Ordeal at the Wheel by that Heel!
please tell me you're not referring to a drivers ed episode! I've heard many stories of TenPas and drivers ed classes.
That's good types with fist, Mommy was livid when her son wasn't appointed head coach of WTHS football program, upon the retirement of John Neff. As she pointed out, in her Letters To The Editor, her son Greg, was a loyal assistant for 15 years under John Neff and he deserved the job, while any assistant coach with a solid football background would have recognized the writing on the wall and sought out another endeavour. They ran a losing program. Year after painful year. Consider the kids who never got a look from any college programs under their management. I'm grateful my MOMMY didn't provide me with blind support my entire life, otherwise I might have been yet another elected lemming on our city council making uninformed decisions for the sake of doing something, anything. Of course, this is just my opinion!
Marilynn, Marilynn, Marilyn-- How about her husband Dennis? I like Dennis. I wish for my friend to dust off his inner alpha male and get his game on--! How about it my friend? I'm there for you, 100%
Seriously, as a community we need to start thinking about who will run for this position.

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