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Hyde Tenpas
Both Larry TenPas and Bob Sabonjian are circulating petitions to run for mayor as independent candidates.
If I'm not mistaken, Hyde is 79 years old.
I thought that Bob S. wasn't running? If Larry T. is running, he needs to make an appointment with Waukegan Crew. I'm surprised Larry is running after the last time he ran. My Waukegan Crew friends, please contact me @ 224-433-9726 as it seems the steam has run out of the "Change Waukegan" train lately...
However old he is, he' s still been a long time in the hospital which makes me think that his condition is more serious than we're being told.
I'm sure if he were doing well, he'd be calling into Libby Collins.
I think maybe this is the opportunity for TenPas. he could never beat Hyde but for him, Cunningham would be a push over.
Saturday, 9:00 AM, Sunset House, secret meeting of Bob's campaign group...xxxxx xxxxxx, xxxxx xxxxxx, xxxxx xxxxxxx, and others. :lol: :twisted:
So, Sabonjian's really going to jump into the race???
Is it going to be private meeitng or can anyone attend?
I'm not sure how TenPas would fare against Sabonjian.
Politics in Waukegan just get curiouser and curiouser.
From today's Daily Herald:

Waukegan Mayor Richard Hyde was scheduled to be released from the hospital Thursday, roughly a week after undergoing an appendectomy.

Hyde, 81, was admitted to Lake Forest Hospital Dec. 31 after suffering from what he thought was the flu, city spokesman David Motley said. The same day, however, doctors removed the mayor's appendix, Motley said.

Hyde has been recovering at Lake Forest Hospital since the surgery.

The hospital on Thursday could not confirm whether Hyde was still a patient or had been released.

Motley did not know when Hyde planned to return to work.

Hyde has served as mayor since 2002. He is up for re-election this year.
TypesWithFist Wrote:Saturday, 9:00 AM, Sunset House, secret meeting of Bob's campaign group...xxxxx xxxxxx, Steve Kolber, xxxxx xxxxxxx, and others. :lol: :twisted:

XXXXY XXXXXXX = He who must not be named or he will threaten to sue.
TypesWithFist Wrote:
TypesWithFist Wrote:Saturday, 9:00 AM, Sunset House, secret meeting of Bob's campaign group...xxxxx xxxxxx, Steve Kolber, xxxxx xxxxxxx, and others. :lol: :twisted:

XXXXY XXXXXXX = He who must not be named or he will threaten to sue.

Speaking frankly, it is my one observation that you are on to something!
Wasn't Tenpas a Republican and then a Democrat and now he's an Independent?
I guess what ever is politically expedient works for him.

Anyone heard anything from or about Guzman?

I saw a couple of people passing petitions for Sabonjian at the post office the other day.
Did anyone here attend his meeting on Saturday? How many folks showed up in the bad weather.

Hyde was on the radio yesterday and said he was in better shape than any of the other candidates.
He didn't sound like he was very well though and he couldn't make it to the Firefighter's Union meeting to ask for their endorsment.
I heard he sent a representative instead...hmmm?

Cunningham was on the radio and said he wanted to know why the Waukegan Fire dept. transported the Mayor to Lake Forest Hospital' Emergency Room instead of the nearest Emergency Room in Waukegan.
Libby really jumped all over him for daring to ask about policy, special treatment for the Mayor and the message that sends about Vista Health Care.

I also noticed that the Democratic Headquarters on North Ave. has been taken over by the Hyde campaign.
Does that have something to do with the signs that say bring back Mike Hewitt?
Did the Dems close shop or did Hyde buy them off for the Primary?

Like I said before, Waukegan politics gets curiouser and curiouser.

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