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Hyde Tenpas - Printable Version

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Hyde Tenpas - Frankzilch - 01-04-2009

This just in.... Larry Tenpas, who is rumored to be making a try for the office of Mayor in Waukegan as an Independant candidate, was seen lurking outside Mayor Hyde's Lake Forest hospital room with a pillow in his hand. What Larry intended to do with the pillow is unknown.

Hyde is in Lake Forest Hospital because he fell and allegedly had his appendix removed.

Re: Hyde Tenpas - NorthsideKaren - 01-04-2009

Frank, you make me laugh! Just one question- why isn't the mayor at Vista East?

Re: Hyde Tenpas - Don Petrone - 01-05-2009

There is a rumor that Hyde suffered a stroke brought on by a brain tumor and is receiving geriatric care at Westmoreland Nursing Center in Lake Forest.
Let's pray that that is not true and that whatever his health problem is, he makes a speedy recovery.
Get well soon Mayor Hyde.

Re: Hyde Tenpas - Blackdiamond - 01-05-2009

If he has a brain tumor, he wouldn't be in a Nursing Home. I pray that everyone has good health.

Re: Hyde Tenpas - Snoopy - 01-06-2009

God Bless him. The man has done many good things for Waukegan thoughout his many years, regardless of what one feels about him as Mayor of Waukegan. I pray and wish him well.

Re: Hyde Tenpas - Danno - 01-06-2009

On a personal level... get well soon.

On a elected official level Hyde is a power abusing untrustworthy pathetic lying ahole, not very bright and has had a net negative effect on Waukegan during his years as Alderman and Mayor.

Re: Hyde Tenpas - NorthsideKaren - 01-06-2009

Perhaps, Danno. But our alternatives are Guzman and Cunningham. Let's hope it's just appendicitis as the News Sun is reporting.

Re: Hyde Tenpas - JeffK - 01-07-2009

I hope that Mayor Hyde recovers, but this illustrates the fact that we need younger blood in office with fresh eyes and attitude ready to move the city forward instead of sitting on the roulette wheel waiting for the mythic casino license. If Guzman were to win, I would sell my house at a loss very quickly. This guy cuts grass for the park district in Libertyville and has absolutely no business running for office. He has repeatedly attacked the Waukegan Police Dept. and the laws of our country.

Re: Hyde Tenpas - Don Petrone - 01-07-2009

JeffK Wrote:I hope that Mayor Hyde recovers, but this illustrates the fact that we need younger blood in office with fresh eyes and attitude ready to move the city forward instead of sitting on the roulette wheel waiting for the mythic casino license. If Guzman were to win, I would sell my house at a loss very quickly. This guy cuts grass for the park district in Libertyville and has absolutely no business running for office. He has repeatedly attacked the Waukegan Police Dept. and the laws of our country.

The Mayor is 87 years old and appenditis in the elderly has a high morbidity rate.
I pray that he will be o.k. but maybe it's tiem for him to retire.

I agree wtih Jeff that we need a new and younger Mayor and that Guzman would be an extremely poor choice.
Hopefuly Hyde will drop out and Cunningham will grow into the job.
If Tenpas get's in through the back door, it will be more of the same but only worse.
No really good candidates for Mayor this time around.
I don't know which one is really the best choice, but Guzman as Mayor would be a disaster and a joke. Wauekgan would really be a laughing stock.

Re: Hyde Tenpas - Don Petrone - 01-07-2009

JeffK Wrote:I hope that Mayor Hyde recovers, but this illustrates the fact that we need younger blood in office with fresh eyes and attitude ready to move the city forward instead of sitting on the roulette wheel waiting for the mythic casino license. If Guzman were to win, I would sell my house at a loss very quickly. This guy cuts grass for the park district in Libertyville and has absolutely no business running for office. He has repeatedly attacked the Waukegan Police Dept. and the laws of our country.

The Mayor is 87 years old and appenditis in the elderly has a high morbidity rate.
I pray that he will be o.k. but maybe it's time for him to retire.

I agree wtih Jeff that we need a new and younger Mayor and that Guzman would be an extremely poor choice.
Hopefuly Hyde will drop out and Cunningham will grow into the job.
If Tenpas get's in through the back door, it will be more of the same but only worse.
No really good candidates for Mayor this time around.
I don't know which one is really the best choice, but Guzman as Mayor would be a disaster and a joke. Wauekgan would really be a laughing stock.