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TheatreGuy- well put!! Way to go! OhBrother is anti teacher! Complain, complain complain! I think tenure is more of an issue with him than it is with us teachers! Summers off, whatever! We are always working to improve! He says we work in Waukegan cause we can get to another district! But in fact, we work in Waukegan to try to help these students! Whatever bade experience he had in school he is simply taking it out on us!
This was in the Talk of the County in the News Sun. Does Waukegan have an event like this? What does our district to to ensure people don't abuse the lunch programs?

August 10, 2009

Proof of residency

I see that Antioch District 34 is holding a proof of residency event. I'm glad they are concerned for the taxpayers. I would also like to see the district make sure that people that apply for free or reduced lunch programs and waivers on school fees provide proper documentation on their income.

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bruce Wrote:The high school has students that flat out tell their teachers they live in Zion or other places. They take on a relatives address and info and never live there after being kicked out of another school. Rumor mill has it that people living in Kenosha and work in Waukegan will drop their kids off at Waukegan elem schools.

Well...then the teachers shoulod be reporting it. Why aren't they?
"You should forfeit your rights to even type in this blog with such ideas and silly tangents you connect to form a thought!"

I should lose my rights to type here? Wow. What other rights do I lose becase I don't agree with you. And you're a teacher.

Mr. Theater: I am not antiteacher. But I get sick and tired of the arrogance and self promotion. You are all just as special unique and important as everyone else. Including me.
Yes, your father was a good teacher. But there are also really rotten crappy teachers. And the union PROTECTS them. How is this "for the students" I would like to know. Don't try to tell me there are not "teachers" who should never be put in a classroom.
As for your mother's hours: not much different than most working mothers I know including my wife. And me when our kids were younger.

" Explain to me how notifying responsible authorities (i.e. department heads, administrators and LC) is not enough? What more can a teacher do?"
If you all have your hands tied and can't (WON'T) do any more than why are you all posting here saying something needs to be done about residency. What are WE supposed to do if the great District 60 braintrust can't do anything.

"Teachers work hard. It is a thankless job. Parents blame them if their children fail. Administrators blame them if they hold the students to too high of standards. People post here and say horrible things about them without stopping to THANK them for what they put up with on a daily basis."
I work hard and put up with BS at a thankless job too. That's life.

"The next time venom begins to well up against teachers remember a teacher who made a difference in YOUR life, then find a teacher ANY teacher and THANK them for the job they are doing against amazing odds."

See this is the atttitude that absolutely sickens me. Yes I have had good teachers. Yes my children have had good teachers. Yes your father was a good teacher (yes I remember him). But I will ABSOLUTELY NOT give blanket thanks and praise to all teachers! Do you give blanket thanks and praise to ALL parents (including the crackheads) when you get a kid who is well-behaved? I didn't think so.
Sunny, yes teachers do report it all the time!

Oh brother,
again just diluted
* Main Entry: 1di·lute
* Pronunciation: \dī-ˈlüt, də-\
* Function: transitive verb
* Inflected Form(s): di·lut·ed; di·lut·ing
* Etymology: Latin dilutus, past participle of diluere to wash away, dilute, from di- + lavere to wash — more at lye
* Date: circa 1555

1 : attenuate
2 : to make thinner or more liquid by admixture <diluted wine>
3 : to diminish the strength, flavor, or brilliance of by admixture <dilute a color>
4 : to decrease the per share value of (common stock) by increasing the total number of shares

— di·lut·er or di·lu·tor \-ˈlü-tər\ noun

— di·lu·tive \-ˈlü-tiv\ adjective

* Main Entry: de·lude
* Pronunciation: \di-ˈlüd, dē-\
* Function: transitive verb
* Inflected Form(s): de·lud·ed; de·lud·ing
* Etymology: Middle English, from Latin deludere, from de- + ludere to play — more at ludicrous
* Date: 15th century

1 : to mislead the mind or judgment of : deceive, trick
2 obsolete a : frustrate, disappoint b : evade, elude
synonyms see deceive

— de·lud·er noun
I agree Theater guy. Good thoughts. One thing I would like to throw in with regard to your comment about people not paying into income taxes. The schools get a big chunk of funding from property taxes. Every house, apatment, building ( except exempt churches, etc) have required property on it REGARDLESS of if school age kids live there. An 80 year old grandmother who has had no school age kids living with her for 60 years is STILL paying into the school tax fund. So where is all the money going? I think the money problem goes far beyond the number of students and who lives in district or not. I think we must first look at the management of the district and how money is budgeted. I think residentcy is important but it is not the issue that will save the schools. We need to start at the top with reform and move downward. In doing so it will be much easier to enact the small changes that will collectively change the district.
I said "You are diluted in your thinking"

I used it correctly, sir. You are weak in your thinking. Teachers report these things and administrators shrug their shoulders.

What would you like me to do sir? Stand on top of the school building in the nude with a sign that says, "We got students in this school, who shouldn't go here because they don't live in the district?" I wouldn't like that and I am sure you wouldn't either.

I have a job to do... teach.

You are oblivious to the fact that these responsibilities are that of the administrators yet you take it out on the teachers? Why is this?

I do not want to quarrel with you sir, I just don't understand why you think besides reporting it, you think I should throw a tantrum over it when I have other things to worry about like the education and lessons I have to do. It's the lazy principals that don't want to ruffle feathers that should be blamed.

What do you do sir as a taxpayer? Write in the blog here? Hmmmmm.... you have a larger vested interest in this being solved but you do absolutely nothing but sit in front of computer arguing with me.

Walk your behind to Lincoln Center and tell them how you feel. Tell Batiste that this is a problem. Ask him what he is doing to try to solve it?

I'm sorry I said you should loose your rights to even write in this blog, but you made me upset. I work really hard as a teacher. I know they are some who don't. Don't label us into one category.
Its very simple to just look into this problem and solve it. The only ones that can solve it are the administration!
I can't go to Lincoln Center and tell the buffoons that I read a rumor on an anonymous message board and I want them to fix the problem. They find it hilarious and they dont do a thing because they don't have to. You claim to have first hand knowledge of these problems, so you are the people who can do something. Not someone who reads an unconfrimed rumor on a messageboard.

I am not "diluted" or deluded.

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