08-09-2010, 08:14 AM
I hibernated for a few days and ended up in the hospital with pneumonia. Only stayed in a week this time. Anyone who has had lung cancer or other diseases of the respiratory system is prone to get pneumonia. Its a silent killer. I went to my Oncologist for a check up and when he heard my railish breathing, he called 911. I have left his office for the third time by ambulance. Also I have edema and my legs were the size of my thighs. :roll: Whenever its cloudy, rainy, or yukky ,my body maintains fluid. They hooked me up to an IV with a bag of lasix, and then I became Niagra Falls. I have lost family member due to "walking pneumonia". I will no longer sit around trying to medicate and diagnosis myself. I have missed a lot of the hot days because I cannot go out when its too hot and humid. Oxygen does not help with the breathing. I'm existing with one lung--but through God's grace and mercy, ------I'M STILL HERE.