03-25-2010, 11:54 AM
ClassicalLib17 Wrote:Oh! I'm sorry, I meant to say Santa and the Progressives. Because in the end we all know that nothing is free. Not even cheaper. Fairy tales are just that. Now why don't you support your Obamacare position by printing some really good excerpts from that 2700 page bill. That is the only thing you people can really hang your hat on, isn't it? Now get busy and enlighten us, dang it!
Would you rather have a system that wouldleave healthcare for the rich and welthy, while the poor and unsupported rot and die on the steps of the hospital.
Welcometo the US of A, the LAND of the PRIVILIGED!
Guess our ClassicalLiv would rather have the US decend back into the Victorian Ways that it finally came out of when concerning healthcare.
The people of The Netherlands congratulate and commend Barack Obama by succeding in his healthcare plan, and putting the US on par with societies that already have the system.
"The Dutch Guy"