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What does Robin Schabes do exactly?
Sounds to me like they were looking for a lot of public assistance in the form of taxpayer-backed loan guarantees removing most financial risk. Why do you people continue to moan about the lack of amenities in this city, when you know, deep down, that they will never take hold and prosper until we get serious about law and order in this town. I would blow up their foolish plan for lakefront/ downtown development and invest in policing low level public disorder crime. I don't know if you people read much, most apparently not, but there are solutions out there that have been provided to this city government, over the years, that have fallen on deaf ears. Why can't you see the correlation between mayoral appointments, doomed-to-fail economic development plans, and your own alderman's continued support to pay for all of this foolishness? Waukegan needs an Industrial Development Department and aggressive policing, backed 100% by its taxpayers and their chosen elected officials. P.S. Your community is failing by the day, we can't afford to be a social safety net for every person that enters our country.

Messages In This Thread
What does Robin Schabes do exactly? - by Grover - 11-17-2009, 02:41 AM
Re: What does Robin Schabes do exactly? - by Harold - 11-23-2009, 10:22 PM

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