08-18-2009, 09:27 PM
countymounty Wrote:snoopy
your a joke, I hope they put together a lawsuit against you and this forum for slander. You and maybe your fake name (cocoadimples) for accusing the coach of racism. Good luck if i was an attorney I would be lining up at the door. Of course this is just my humble opinion :lol:
And another one bites the dust.
I hope they put together a lawsuit too - I have yet to find a single bit of slander (in this case it would be libel) over the previous five pages of ridiculous bullshit and welcome anyone to point it out, word for word. I won't defend Snoopy and his actions - he did what he thought he had to do for whatever his reasons were. Neither will I allow the continued haranguing of the man for the choices he made.
<soapbox rant> Again, where are all of you when decisions are being made that affect our children's EDUCATION? </soapbox rant>
We are absolutely, positively done with this topic. Consider this the warning.