08-24-2009, 07:59 AM
Many schools are closing registration for the week before school starts. Not sure why but I think it has to do with last minute out of area residents trying to slip in during the craziness of the start of school. Despite the fact that you are a returning family, unless you can prove with a cancelled registraion fee check or bank register showing the debit for said fees, you may be out of luck. Also, you may want to contact records and see where your student's records are being held. If you did register, they would have been moved to the school you registered to (high school, in your case). If they see you as a dropped student, they will probably be in the records dept at Lincoln Center. I am basing this on my experience hunting for my son's records a few years back when they got "Lost" between schools. Good Luck....but try to find some proof of your registration...cancelled checks, etc. It WILL help. They can't really argue if they took your money. Also, it will help as I am sure you are going to get hit with higher fees then you paid before due to the new student status and the late registration they say you have.