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Waukegan High School Varsity Softball Coach
kermit2112 Wrote:Snoopy,

Please explain why the current head coach IS NOT qualified for this position.
This is not the time or place. I will be at the school board meeting on August 11th at 7PM. I will only have 3 minutes to say what would take hours. Feel free to approach me and talk to me. I have been doing for kids, regardless of the present 167 members of this website that may or may not know in this present demographic. This is a microsm, to say the least, of the lives I have touched over the 10 years I have been involved in an unpaid position. Don't know the present salary for this position, but I suspect it is over 6-8 thousand. To do nothing to build a program is a slap in the face of every volunteer in this community, whether or not they are able to see it.
I am a Waukegan boy, and wish we expect excellance in our educators for every endeavor.
My question to you is, do you know if there is an accountability procedure to our coaching staffs from every sport, one that decides if we will rubber stamp them into the following season?

Shawn White

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Re: Waukegan High School Varsity Softball Coach - by Snoopy - 08-06-2009, 08:08 PM

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