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Waukegan High School Varsity Softball Coach
countymounty Wrote:Snoop,Frequent board surfer but never a responder. As you are aware several lawsuits have been won on behalf of coaches that have been attacked personally(lake forest football coach, DeLasalle coach, and and oakforest softball coach) have all won million dollar lawsuits against the respective boards of education and the parent that started the attacks. I am sure you wouldnt put any personal attacks in email form that could hinder this coaches job. Im sure the Waukegan Board of Ed could use another lawsuit. I know...I know..your not afraid of any lawsuits or anything, but Im just saying it happens. Remeber what the Bible says "you reep what you sow." If you have an issue you need to go to the director of athletics and then the principal.
I was not aware of the many lawsuits won on behalf of coaches in the various places you have pointed me to. I so appreciate that advice. I will not attack a very good man, nor has my intention to ever do so. I will declare that there is no unified effort coming from the Varsity Softball Coaches position, nor has there been any effort to build a program, other than a one day clinic on June 12th, from 8-1pm.
We do so, indeed, reap what we sow, sir, as you have so eloquently quoted the bible. It is why, for the last four or five years I have been involved in fall clinics for the youth of Waukegan to teach the fundamentals of the game, with the help of many honorable men and women. It is why I have been going nonstop, all four seasons for Waukegan girls for the last five years, sometimes my own children participated, sometimes not. I know there is another group in Waukegan putting forth the same sort of effort, and they are to be commended;Waukegan Lady Dawgs.
I went to the source of it all, the Varsity Coach, and he did not satify my questions. I saw girls cry and was explained to why they were sad, and it was all I needed to know that I must do what I can to not have this happen to them again..
We reap what we sow, I only hope we have good land we are tilling. I hope God forgives me if I am fighting the wrong fight.
Shawn White

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Re: Waukegan High School Varsity Softball Coach - by Snoopy - 08-04-2009, 12:35 AM

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