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Sen. Burris at Belvidere Mall, 5/16, 287g discussed...
The Belvidere Mall??? Has anyone been there lately? Why would Senator Burris go there? Any WHY specifically will 287g be brought up. I could sadly refer you to sites that chronicle Americans and legal immigrants who are killed by illegal aliens who where not asked about their citizenship or deported after serving sentence. DUI's, rapes, murders... I think it IS a mystery as to why Mayor Sabonjian will not have a federal tool in place to protect his citizens.

I really want to go to this but can't today. If anyone can please report back.

Sen. Roland Burris in Waukegan today

May 16, 2009
News-Sun Staff Report

WAUKEGAN -- City officials said they were informed Friday that U.S. Sen. Roland Burris has scheduled a Saturday afternoon appearance at Belvidere Mall, 2107 Belvidere Road.

Mayor Robert Sabonjian said Waukegan police have made arrangements for the 12 noon visit, during which Burris might touch on the federal 287(g) statute that allows local agencies to perform immigration law enforcement functions.

"It is important for the people of Waukegan to know that the city of Waukegan doesn't have any application in for 287(g), nor are we intending to file one," Sabonjian said. "My stance on this is no mystery."

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Sen. Burris at Belvidere Mall, 5/16, 287g discussed... - by fedupinwaukegan - 05-16-2009, 07:40 AM

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