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Waukegan man charged in pit bull attack
On Sunday afternoon on the 700 block of Pacific, I was walking my dog before we went downtown. Some kids were selling coupon books door-to-door and while the door was open on a house, a pitbull came rocketing out belly to the ground full blast crossing the street streaking towards my dog (a non-agressive dog). I usually carry pepper spray for this time of thing but left them in my other pants. I yelled and yelled for the owner, got between myself and my dog and raised my fist and screamed ready to get bit but take the eyes out of that demon. The dog backed down (I'm a big guy). What blew my mind was the attitude of the owner. I told him, "You need to control a dog like that. There are kids in the neighborhood." His response? "F you, you mf. Shut the f up!" This took me back and I said, "If this happens again, I'm calling Animal Control to take this dog from you." Again, more f me, etc (mind you, this is in front of children selling coupon books). I said, "Nice language in front of kids." He let loose another torrent of "f" talk and his friend pulled him inside the house telling him to shut up. I stood there in rage thinking I can't walk my dog on my own block. (Two houses down at a rental, a pitbull rushed my dog and me. Same kind of verbal diarhea from the owner.) So, I guess, yes, it is the owner, they program or train the dog how they want, nonetheless, the dog is still a problem and should be removed. I understand there are some responsible owners but the majority of pitbull owners have ruined it for everyone. We need a pitbull ban or at the very least a license to own one with mandatory training classes. We gunowners have to do that, correct?

Messages In This Thread
Re: Waukegan man charged in pit bull attack - by JeffK - 09-30-2008, 08:03 AM
Re: Waukegan man charged in pit bull attack - by Guest - 10-01-2008, 03:40 PM
Re: Waukegan man charged in pit bull attack - by Guest - 10-09-2008, 11:59 PM

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