03-10-2009, 11:01 PM
Blackdiamond Wrote:Thank You, but you know I won't remember all of that. You'll have to remind me each year. :lol: However, I appreciate the info. I don't know why the dates have to change each time-It started on the 8th of March and that's the date it should start in the upcoming years. I know, I know-- :roll:
I don't think you want that. Having it be the same date every year. Notice they change in the spring on the 2nd Sunday in March and then fall back on the 1st Sunday in November. If you change it by DATE you would have a mess if you did the time change like say on a Wednesday or anythimg Monday thru Friday. Sunday mornings is best believe me.
you don't have to remember the dates I gave you, just remember we spring ahead on the 2nd Sunday in March and we fall back on the 1st Sunday in November. That's easier to remember than dates