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Mayor Hyde mailing
I haven't seen that one yet but I did get the one about the IRS and Mayor Hyde having kept our taxes from being increased.

The thing is that my property taxes have constantly increased and the City of wuakegan and Myaor Hyde have nothing to do and no impact on the taxes I pay to the IRS.

Hyde has also increased the sales tax, parking meter fees/fines and other fees.

Then there are all the failed promises and projects or better termed things that were promised but didn't happen:
New Condos at Washington and Sheridan Rd.
New Condos at the New Sun uilding
New Art Space
Genessee Theatre making money and fueling new restaurants.
New restaurant across from the theatre (we do have a brand new empty build there)
Empty retail space at the new and overpriced parking garage.
Karcher hotel still a shell
Carnegie Library still a shell
No Casino
No Harbor cleanup
No new houses or anything else on the lakefront
The list goes on and on.

For all the time that Hyde has been Mayor and all the projects that he's backed, none have been succesful.

Messages In This Thread
Mayor Hyde mailing - by fintan1010 - 02-20-2009, 06:56 PM
Re: Mayor Hyde mailing - by Don Petrone - 02-20-2009, 09:59 PM
Re: Mayor Hyde mailing - by fintan1010 - 02-20-2009, 10:12 PM
Re: Mayor Hyde mailing - by Blackdiamond - 02-20-2009, 10:32 PM
Re: Mayor Hyde mailing - by fintan1010 - 02-20-2009, 10:37 PM

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