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Waukegan man charged in pit bull attack
I really don't understand this witch hunt with the pit bulls. It's the way they are bread not the breed itself. Do you know that a standard poodle can tear a pit bull apart? It's just the type of people who get the pit bull breed. The staffordshire terrier (pit bull as it is called) has always had a aura about it so the noerdowells out there get that kind of dog and train them to be mean and attack. Years ago it was the doberman. People who don't care about other humans and are just idiots used to train them. Now the pit bull has the headlines. There are many breeds you could train to attack and kill humans. No, I do not have a pit bull and the reason is they are just plain ugly to me but that's just my opinion.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Waukegan man charged in pit bull attack - by winthropharborguy - 09-26-2008, 11:14 PM
Re: Waukegan man charged in pit bull attack - by Guest - 10-01-2008, 03:40 PM
Re: Waukegan man charged in pit bull attack - by Guest - 10-09-2008, 11:59 PM

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