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I do not think we will ever see Susan Link walking around our neighborhood by herself checking for broken sidewalks, ill kept houses or garages, or following up with residents that have issues with gang bangers and drug dealers. She seems a bit to 'uppity' for that. I can see her sitting in an office or meeting all dressed up and playing the part, but not on the street and in the neighborhoods where she needs to be. Heck, I don't think she even does her own yard work, does she?
Any way, TenPas has his downfalls, but I have to admit, he has always responded when there has been an issue in our neighborhood that needed taken care of. He is tough, which is what is needed when you are dealing with some of the day to day things happening on the streets in Waukegan. When we had an issue with drug dealing next door, he was there in minutes. When we had code violations, he came and brought the proper city officials to get the situation taken care of. He may not always vote the way I would like, but what politician ever votes the way you like all the time.
I agree that Larry is up in years and it would be nice to get a fresh prospective and perhaps a young go getter to carry on, but we haven't got a candidate like that, so he deserves another term. We have enough of the Link family meddling in our city's business and not bringing home the 'bacon', so to speak, for Waukegan. All they want is more power and what I want to know is which one of them is going to run for Mayor next go around? They are not Bill and Hillary Clinton...not by a long shot.
And, who is paying for all the political literature and phone banking that is going on with her campaign? Sure a lot of money being spent to try to buy this election...but I still haven't seen HER in the neighborhood, knocking on doors and talking to residents...sure have seen Larry out there though.
You may not agree with me, but I have the right to my opinion.
4 votes in our house for TenPas.
you happy now a response :-)
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Peggy, Jeff & everyone who reads this post,
We, as Waukegan residents have to think "Big Picture" here. It's time Waukegan moved forward with...
1. Development
2. Quality of Life
3. Positive P.R.
4. Sustained or improving home values
Mrs. Link may not have "all the answers (who does?)" but at least she's out there trying to make a difference in our community.
Peggy, look at all the slum landlords you have near your home. Think about how little they add to your neighborhood & how they detract from your quality of life. Do you really want to vote again and again for a man who has been a disappointment and who has his "downfalls" to represent you for another 4 years? I don't. What has he done to get rid of all those slumlords? Nada. Peggy, another thought if I may...why would Mrs. Link stop at your home & chat with you about getting your vote? Didn't someone tell me you staged some sort of protest/strink against the Links a few years back? Why would she come by your home if she knows she clearly doesn't have your vote? That makes no sense.
Jeff, I COMMEND Mrs. Link for taking the time & energy to get out there are raise those funds for the Waukegan Band. She HERSELF may have saved that fine art organization. I'd like to ask you what you've done for the community lately? What organizations do you support? How do YOU give back to the community? Get off the computer and get out in our community where you can HELP others. Did I see you at the Community Volunteer event last week at City Hall? I was there...were you?
This family will be casting 4 votes for Mrs. Link. We're giving her the chance to help our community! Clearly Larry has fallen asleep at the wheel.
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Susan has been walking through our 6th Ward neighborhoods for the past several months. I can't imagine how many miles she's personally logged!
I volunteered to walk with her and other supporters yesterday and what a great time we had!
Everybody is totally fed up with TenPas' antics...or lack thereof. We chatted with residents from South to North who all said the same thing...Waukegan is hurting and needs new Council members. Susan's energy, fresh ideas and experience proved popular with everyone committed to moving our Ward forward.
It was refreshing to see all the support from our 6th Ward neighbors...everyone so warm, welcoming & committed to voting for Susan. They understand she may just be able to move some of these ideas forward in our city.
My husband and I are happy to support her as our next Alderman.
If you haven't done so already, you can visit her Facebook page: Elect-Susan-Link-6th-Ward-Alderman-of-Waukegan
She receives e-mails each day from voters in our ward. If you have a question about her plans simply send her an e-mail at: <!-- e --><a href="mailto"></a><!-- e -->
We look forward to working with Susan to move Waukegan forward!
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Maybe one of Suzy Link's supporters can tell us HOW Suzy Link is going to turn water into wine?
She does NOT have TIME to accomplish being an alderman for the 6th Ward, working FULL TIME and serving on all of those boards.
Instead of telling us how wonderful, caring and dynamic Suzy is, tell us how she's going to manage to 6th Ward business between 7pm and 10pm each night?
If Suzy Link is so 'good' for our ward, why has she not attended city hall meetings and spoken out against issues that she NOW brings up?
A: Because Suzy Link is a politician. She's in for the credit and glory, but she's not producing ideas nor doing any work herself.
Larry Tenpas has been here--IN OUR WARD--for thirty years caring for our elderly, battling gangs head-to-head, eye-to-eye and personally attending to us. The groundhog has been spotted in the 6th Ward more times than Suzy Link!
All 6th Ward constituents will be doing is leaving voicemail after voicemail AFTER VOICEMAIL,
while Suzy is working on her tan.
Don't drink the Link cool-aid.
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Frankiegirl, I agree 200%.
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Frankiegirl (Peggy), I have seen Mrs. Link walking through the 6th ward for the last several weekends, everyone in the neighborhood knows that you see everything so I am surprised that you have not seen her! I also read the newspaper article recently that both candidates were asked to offer what they would do to help the state of the city, Mrs Link offered many quantative measures that would help dig the city out of the mess that we are in, all that Alderman TenPas claims is that "we have to look at everything, we really do"! Larry offers NO measures on what he would do or what he would take to the council to help the State of the City! Our City has an extraordinary opportunity before us where we have the possibility of new representation in FIVE wards!!! This is so much more than just a 6th Ward race, we have the opportunity to have a council that is engaged, articulate, informed and has a deep desire to make change in this city. I challange you to learn about what is happening outside your ward, because the votes that these aldermen make, the votes of the ENTIRE council, affect all of us, stop worrying whether or not Mrs. Link cuts her own grass...Many people in this city do not cut their own grass, Many people don't cut it at all! Be thankful that she keeps a nice yard and a place that looks respectful to her neighbors. Furthermore, there are an awful lot of Section 8 homes in your neighborhood as well as throughout the city, Larry often claims there are too many section 8 certificates in Waukegan, what he does not tell any one is that he sat on the Housing Authority Board for MANY MANY years! HE had an opportunity to help the situation in Waukegan....but didn't, instead he took tomatos to your elderly neighbor, instead he helps clean out the basement of a resident! Aldermen are appointed to be STEWARDS of our community, not handy men.
Suxlinksux(Jeff), you keep mentioning Mrs. Link's time that she spends in Florida...I have seen here walking weekend after weekend throughout the ward and I am a member of the City of Waukegan Chamber of Commerce, where I see her attending the organizations events...not sure when she is spending all of this time in the Sun Shine State...what about our Treasurer Dr. Schwab, he leaves Waukegan in NOVEMBER and does not return until February, he flies back every month to make the council meeting, who's dime do you think that's on?? Why don't you give Mrs. Link a chance, had she run a few years ago, maybe her measures could even have helped you keep your foreclosed home on County Street.
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Like I said, you may not agree with me, but I have the right to my own opinion,same as you do.
AND as a person who has held an elected office, and dealt FIRST HAND behind closed doors with Mr. Link........
Well, again.....don't want another Link to get their hooks into Waukegan...don't want them to have a future here in politics and I truly don't know why else they would have moved here. Again, stating MY opinion.
Those of you that think SHE would make a good alderman/alder person, whatever....I strongly disagree with you!
I guess we will see after tomorrows election.
This is why I try not to mix politics with friendships...we don't all agree.
Oh, and by the way, I did help organize a protest in front of the Link home because of HIS petitions being fraudulent! P-L-E-A-S-E don't try to tell me that wasn't his fault...the candidate is responsible for their petitions and especially if they entrust the job to someone like Couvall and the guys he paid to do them. Using the phone book to find names and then forge signatures is not the way to get petitions signed. Candidates need to get off their seat and walk the neighborhoods, meet people and get legitimate is possible to do, I have done it...actually it is easy to be honest about it.
I could go on and on, but I have better things to do today.
4 votes from our house for TenPas.
Oh, and please tell your friend Susan Link to have her phone bank STOP calling our house...we are getting pretty tired of it! My husband has told one person and I another that we are not voting for her, that we are voting for TenPas, but they keep calling. Apparently there is not an organization to their madness.
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re: "Kitty" / "And that another home on our block has a ghetto deck in their backyard for which they did not pull a permit."
Interestingly, The Links did NOT pull a permit when they built a fully enclosed porch (with electric) on the rear of their home.
How's that for your aldermanic candidate?
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What, no comments from the Link supporters regarding the last post?
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SuxlinkSux Wrote:re: "Kitty" / "And that another home on our block has a ghetto deck in their backyard for which they did not pull a permit."
Interestingly, The Links did NOT pull a permit when they built a fully enclosed porch (with electric) on the rear of their home.
How's that for your aldermanic candidate?
By golly, the Links are SPECIAL PEOPLE, so they don't have to comply to codes and ordinances like ordinary residents. Remember the orders a couple years ago that city employees were to keep their driveway apron clear of snow.