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Westleigh, I AGREE with you; but, I think that you're confused about the role that your speaking of putting Suzy's talents to use--and that is FOR MAYOR. I'm serious. The north corridor is going to be what it is due to the economy for the next couple of years until about the time for our mayoral election. Otherwise, I think that Suzy is going to sour us on her and lose her chance to really shine as being our mayor, not our alderman. Until that time, it will just be our mayor and Suzy butting heads and our ward being the worse for it because, strangely, she could do the job as mayor full time but she really can't handle the job for alderman part time.

She can start out at that time anew--and I'll vote for her.

Sux, this is too funny; I love having this back & forth with 'cha!

So let me get this straight...You're willing to vote for someone, who has never spent a day in office for "Mayor" of the City of Waukegan, but not willing to vote for that same person as an "Alderman" for the City of Waukegan?

If you ask my humble opinion I'd want someone to begin their time in office in a lesser position (Alderman), then, after they got their feet wet, and vetted themselves with their citizens, vote for them for Mayor, if and only if they had proven themselves worthy.

I also agree with you...Mrs. Link would make a fabulous Mayor and we'd vote for her then too.

Honestly though, I'd have a very hard time voting for someone for mayor who did not have one day of elected experience under their belt. Waukegan is too fragile and "on the verge" of so much change (either for the good or for the bad).

Everyone stay safe during this crazy winter weather!!
The Waukegan Business Association did not "grow" into a Chamber of Commerce, it was an ineffective organization that was forced to reorganize or it would lose its funding. I still have not been provided with any information regarding what the WBA accomplished, while under the fine leadership of Mrs. Link. Sadly, I believe I already know the answer, NOTHING.
The only way I will validate your comment is if you tell me you were on the board of WBA...otherwise, that comment is just a rumor.

KUDOS for some Waukegan organization actually bolstering themselves in this time of trouble. I commend that group for going from the WBA to a Chamber...way to go! They can use that as leverage in the county, attract additional members and have the backing of the national Chamber organization behind them. I commend them for their forward thinking & organization! The Waukegan Chamber is actually a well functioning organization growing in it's membership and outreach.

P.S. I like playing with the color tab on this site...
Yes, I agree with you wholeheartedly, the Chamber is in a much better position than the WBA ever was.
As for who I am, be assured that I have my information correct.
P.S. Thanks for contributing to this much needed debate! Agree or disagree, the conversation is what is important.
I'm not sure that our current mayor knew much about governing beyond learning the rules of parliamentary procedure at the county board and he's "managing". This is the crux of the issue: When you phone your alderman and say: "I've got a situation over at my house (whatever the reason), could you please get over here"?
Who in the 6th ward thinks that Suzy's going to roll up to your crib--especially if her husband is out of town--where his job is--and she can't find anybody else to accompany her? Suzy might have a big mouth; but, the reality is that she's timid in A LOT of situations. Larry Tenpas is not. He'll get our into our ward and confront whomever we need him to confront. Not so with Suzy Link. She'll put a post it note somewhere that will never get addressed again. We need a fighter here on the front lines--as well as in city hall--and if you go to the meetings and speak with Larry Tenpas and pepper him with questions, you'll SEE that he's a fighter out on our streets and in the city hall. Suzy will be great at city hall; but, this 'woman of a certain age'--a senators' wife to boot--is not going to go out INTO OUR WARD to confront the 'slackers/bad elements' (the ones whom the police don't have the time nor offense to handle, and the ones that the city no longer has the manpower to handle via other offices). Only the homes on Sheridan road or leading a short distance west (that are very quiet) will see her to report that she was 'out'. There are many, many single, ELDERLY people at homes in our ward looking to the alderman for help and Larry is glad to help-out and has the right temperament to 'get out and handle it'--even LATE AT NIGHT. That's the R E A L I T Y of the situation. He gets UP AND OUT OF BED and does it. You think that Suzy is going to even answer the phone? LOL. The ODDS are that she'll be fast asleep from the ocean breezes in Florida or snoozin' in the sun during the Summer around her pool. She'll be a great policy wonk in the mayor's office; but, she's not enough of a foot soldier to handle the streets of our ward. Vote for Larry and you'll SEE Larry! Vote for Suzy and it will probably ensure that everybody sours on her in the wrong position before she can get elected to the right position--mayor.
What's this I hear about Mrs. Link, AT&T and the city of Waukegan's phone bill?

Is there anyone out there that knows the real story?
"Managing" a city of 90,000+ is totally unacceptable to me. Waukegan has become a laughing stock of Lake County because our esteemed mayor is barely "managing." Let's look at big picture here...Waukegan needs HELP. Waukegan needs LEADERSHIP. Waukegan needs a FUTURE.

I would suggest that instead of wasting your time coming up with alias' like "SuxlinkSux" you step up and actually do something to better our community. You clearly have it out for candidate Link. Why?

We're voting for Link in this election because she's got spunk, enthusiasm, experience and a commitment to bettering this community! I'd like to know what you have to offer, "SuxlinkSux."


Give Mrs. Link a chance to utilize her professional talents to help Waukegan. I think she will impress us, but she needs a chance to do so.

SuxlinkSux, Mrs. Link has chosen to attempt to serve her Waukegan community...What have you done to help Waukegan today?
Westleigh, I was being facetious when I spoke of our mayor. I think that you're frustrated because you haven't really painted Larry in a light that says: 'replace him' and you haven't painted busy-busy-busy Suzy Link in a light that compels folks in the 6th ward to vote for her. You're a bit like the perennial Republican challenger in our race whose only slogan seems to be: "an alternative".
Larry Tenpas does what we need him in to do in our ward our ward; namely, get out into our ward and help us. We've had a long time with Larry as alderman and our ward is clearly the best run ward. The city is in its mess because of a lot of reasons; but, throwing out a time-and-time-again proven alderman for somebody who:

1. Works FULL-TIME. *AND*
2. Sits on SIX BOARDS, *AND*
3. Spends her Winter months in Florida, *AND*
4. Is already busy-busy-busy with her Senator-husbands' galas, fundraisers, campaigning and jet-setting!

It's plain dumb.


You've been a great Suzy Link sycophant; but, why don't you answer the concerns above? Who thinks that Suzy Link is going to actually visit constituents at their homes when called like Larry Tenpas does? Do we need to replace an alderman that shows up at our home--rain or shine, daytime or night time--for "a promise from the phone company"? Look at how hard the phone company worked to stick it to us over those ugly graffiti boxes in our ward! Look at how the phone company cares for our ward--and her own to boot--by allowing her neighbors, ward and city to look at those ugly graffiti cable boxes throughout our city with NO LANDSCAPING AROUND THEM. All-the-while crowing about how she got the 'win over Waukegan' (whereas as other North Shore towns got the landscaping!). Yes Siree, they got the landscaping and we got the ... box.

Suzy Link didn't care for us then and she doesn't care much for us now.

Why should we cut off our noses to spite our face, especially considering we have the best aldermanic service in the city?

Westleigh, you're grasping at straws thinking that Suzy Link will be anything but a BIG DISAPPOINTMENT as alderman. You speak of her like she's on a dating service.

That would be one 'ugly' date.

I'll vote for Suzy Link,

as mayor.
Wanted to let you know that my neighbors and myself both heard from and/or saw Ald. TenPas yesterday. Can't imagine I would get the same care and concern from the Link camp.

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