09-22-2009, 10:08 PM
Anyone else hear activist Julie Santos and Margaret Carrasco call into WKRS this morning? Julie called to complain about our police. When actually it appears the case that she was talking about happened in the next city. Margaret called in to defend our police. Thank you! It appears there is no love lost between these two. I'm wondering if it is the same Chicago Julie Santos that was hear during the 'Summer of 287g.' Julie has moved into Waukegan now...
If this is podcast I'll post the link here. Julie has the most abrasive speaking style I have heard in quite some time. She never lets the other person speaks -just keeps right on speaking over any interjections of the other person.
Here is a post from Margaret explaining a bit more about the situation. Maybe this will all help put more attention on 10th Street. Again, thank you Margaret.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://groups.google.com/group/10demarzo/browse_thread/thread/c6365a011a3f0b1a">http://groups.google.com/group/10demarz ... 011a3f0b1a</a><!-- m -->
???????? National Office
????? 2000 L Street NW, Suite 610
????? Washington, DC 20036
????? Phone
202) 833-6130?
????? Fax: (202) 833-6135
????? President's Office
????? 2806 Fredericksburg Rd, #3
????? San Antonio, TX 78201-4705?
????? Phone: (210) 733-5454
????? Fax (210) 733-5458
??????????? 25 N. COUNTY #2 FLR
??????????? WAUKEGAN,?IL. 60085
????????????CARRASC...@AOL.COM ??????
????????? CELL?? #312-246-1360
Dear Mr Wilkes,
As?national director of the LEAGUE OF UNITED LATIN AMERICAN CITIZENS (LULAC) organization ,
I would like to bring to your attention of a matter in which "incorrect accusations/information" is being
communicated in Waukegan,IL?by Julie Santos Contreras on behalf of? your LULAC organization.
The issue?revolves around a Mexican National Tomas Flores?in? Waukegan?who? according to his brother was intoxicated at the time and fell victim to robbery a few weeks ago in North Chicago,IL. This was his?second incident. Several?weeks later, Mr. Flores?died?due to the head injuries incurred.?
1) INCORRECT POLICE DEPARTMENT? Press release issued 9/21/09?by Julies Sanots Contreras
????announces a?PROTEST vs. WAUKEGAN POLICE DEPT regarding "FLORES"?incident?
?? Last night I personally spoke with?Waukegan's Chief of Police Yancy who confirmed that the "FLORES"
?? incident occurred in the town of? NORTH CHICAGO 'NOT" WAUKEGAN. Both?in the press
?? release issued and during a radio inteview, Ms Santos?criticized Waukegan Police for their
?? "inaction" on this case?attributing it to the?victim's legal status. The Waukegan Police Department
??? does not have "JURISDICTION" and therefore legally has?"NO AUTHORITY" regarding this case
??? nor of any case that does not physically occur within its boundaries and cannot "act" upon it.
2) ?How could such a big mistake like this occur?
????First,?Ms?Santos?never "verified" nor? contacted the WPD to verify that the information was accurate
??? Next,?perhaps, because Ms Santos is a Chicagoan and just recently moved to?the Waukegan area is
??? unaware?of its geographic borders.Nonetheless, this is embarrassing to our Latino community.?During the radio
???? interview she?stated she lived all her life in Waukegan -not true.
??? I would like to clarify the I am not in support?nor?are any of the local?Waukegan Hispanic organizations?
????in support of? Ms. Santos actions. I personally refuse to help/support any person who is or who closely associate
????themselves?with persons invovled with illegal DRUGS or ILLEGAL WEAPONS.?(legal court documents can
???? be provieded upon request)????????????
3) FLORES family "NO SHOW" at appointment to discuss case with?POLICE
??? Last Friday, the deceased?brother "RENEE" failed to attend a scheduled appointment
????discuss his brother's case with authorities.I called him twice and he never?answered.The following
??? ?Monday 9/21/09, I contacted him and?asked him if he was available?to meet with authorities, he?responded that he
??? was too busy.? On WKRS 1220 AM RADIO this morning, Ms Santos stated that due to "racism" the Waukegan
??? police are not investigating the Flores case. This is not?an accurate statement.
4) MARCH/PROTEST - Issue "LOCATION"-?residents?told hospital not police dept
??? Yesterday, I was approached by 4 different residents who invited me to participate in the event. Each stated
???? that they were told that the March was to begin on 10th street where the incident occurred to?
??? Victory Hospital. I informed the residents and showed them the Press Release where it notes the
??? Waukegan Police Dept- they were surprised and upset they had been?lied to.
??? Ms.Santos criticized the Waukegan Police Dept for not giving a copy of the footage from the video of the
??? ?camaras that are?on 10th Street where the incident occurred.?There are a total of 8 camaras in the vicinity where
??? the?incident?occurred which are operating on a rotating basis 24 hours/7 days/week.?The camaras have he
???? capability to capture?and videotape any incidnet within 3 blocks away.However,?in order to acquire a copy of the
???? footage,?a legal subpeana must be issued.?I had scheduled an appointment for the brother? last Friday with a well-
??? known?local?attorney? who speciallizes in this typeof case to?discuss the many?necessary legal documents?
?? ?but he never came.
??? Yesterday, I?asked Mr Flores' brother if an autopsy had been conducted. he responded?that Ms Santos?had told
??? him he didn't have to do one. Today, during the radio interview, Ms Santos when asked about this,?stated that the
??? Waukegan Police Dept?had told her she could not do an autopsy. This is an inaccurrate statement.
??? Any common person knows that the local police departments do not address the issue of autopsies but rather the
??? Lake County Coronor. To my knowledge, Ms Santos has no?law or medical?degree, ?nor any legal?nor??
??? medical?professional experience?to correctly address these issues resulting in?many mistakes and inaccuracies???
??? to occur. Mr Flores body has been already sent to Mexico according to his brother .?
??? Last Thursday,9/17/09 ?Mr Flores signed authorization for any communication about his brothers case
??? ?(not to Ms SANTOS) ?.?
????I strongly suggest?the LULAC organization look into this matter and prevent any further?"mistakes" to
?? occurr in the Waukegan Latino community,?exposing the organization to liability?.???????????
If this is podcast I'll post the link here. Julie has the most abrasive speaking style I have heard in quite some time. She never lets the other person speaks -just keeps right on speaking over any interjections of the other person.
Here is a post from Margaret explaining a bit more about the situation. Maybe this will all help put more attention on 10th Street. Again, thank you Margaret.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://groups.google.com/group/10demarzo/browse_thread/thread/c6365a011a3f0b1a">http://groups.google.com/group/10demarz ... 011a3f0b1a</a><!-- m -->
???????? National Office
????? 2000 L Street NW, Suite 610
????? Washington, DC 20036
????? Phone
![Sad Sad](http://wauktalk.com/forum/images/smilies/sad.gif)
????? Fax: (202) 833-6135
????? President's Office
????? 2806 Fredericksburg Rd, #3
????? San Antonio, TX 78201-4705?
????? Phone: (210) 733-5454
????? Fax (210) 733-5458
??????????? 25 N. COUNTY #2 FLR
??????????? WAUKEGAN,?IL. 60085
????????????CARRASC...@AOL.COM ??????
????????? CELL?? #312-246-1360
Dear Mr Wilkes,
As?national director of the LEAGUE OF UNITED LATIN AMERICAN CITIZENS (LULAC) organization ,
I would like to bring to your attention of a matter in which "incorrect accusations/information" is being
communicated in Waukegan,IL?by Julie Santos Contreras on behalf of? your LULAC organization.
The issue?revolves around a Mexican National Tomas Flores?in? Waukegan?who? according to his brother was intoxicated at the time and fell victim to robbery a few weeks ago in North Chicago,IL. This was his?second incident. Several?weeks later, Mr. Flores?died?due to the head injuries incurred.?
1) INCORRECT POLICE DEPARTMENT? Press release issued 9/21/09?by Julies Sanots Contreras
????announces a?PROTEST vs. WAUKEGAN POLICE DEPT regarding "FLORES"?incident?
?? Last night I personally spoke with?Waukegan's Chief of Police Yancy who confirmed that the "FLORES"
?? incident occurred in the town of? NORTH CHICAGO 'NOT" WAUKEGAN. Both?in the press
?? release issued and during a radio inteview, Ms Santos?criticized Waukegan Police for their
?? "inaction" on this case?attributing it to the?victim's legal status. The Waukegan Police Department
??? does not have "JURISDICTION" and therefore legally has?"NO AUTHORITY" regarding this case
??? nor of any case that does not physically occur within its boundaries and cannot "act" upon it.
2) ?How could such a big mistake like this occur?
????First,?Ms?Santos?never "verified" nor? contacted the WPD to verify that the information was accurate
??? Next,?perhaps, because Ms Santos is a Chicagoan and just recently moved to?the Waukegan area is
??? unaware?of its geographic borders.Nonetheless, this is embarrassing to our Latino community.?During the radio
???? interview she?stated she lived all her life in Waukegan -not true.
??? I would like to clarify the I am not in support?nor?are any of the local?Waukegan Hispanic organizations?
????in support of? Ms. Santos actions. I personally refuse to help/support any person who is or who closely associate
????themselves?with persons invovled with illegal DRUGS or ILLEGAL WEAPONS.?(legal court documents can
???? be provieded upon request)????????????
3) FLORES family "NO SHOW" at appointment to discuss case with?POLICE
??? Last Friday, the deceased?brother "RENEE" failed to attend a scheduled appointment
????discuss his brother's case with authorities.I called him twice and he never?answered.The following
??? ?Monday 9/21/09, I contacted him and?asked him if he was available?to meet with authorities, he?responded that he
??? was too busy.? On WKRS 1220 AM RADIO this morning, Ms Santos stated that due to "racism" the Waukegan
??? police are not investigating the Flores case. This is not?an accurate statement.
4) MARCH/PROTEST - Issue "LOCATION"-?residents?told hospital not police dept
??? Yesterday, I was approached by 4 different residents who invited me to participate in the event. Each stated
???? that they were told that the March was to begin on 10th street where the incident occurred to?
??? Victory Hospital. I informed the residents and showed them the Press Release where it notes the
??? Waukegan Police Dept- they were surprised and upset they had been?lied to.
??? Ms.Santos criticized the Waukegan Police Dept for not giving a copy of the footage from the video of the
??? ?camaras that are?on 10th Street where the incident occurred.?There are a total of 8 camaras in the vicinity where
??? the?incident?occurred which are operating on a rotating basis 24 hours/7 days/week.?The camaras have he
???? capability to capture?and videotape any incidnet within 3 blocks away.However,?in order to acquire a copy of the
???? footage,?a legal subpeana must be issued.?I had scheduled an appointment for the brother? last Friday with a well-
??? known?local?attorney? who speciallizes in this typeof case to?discuss the many?necessary legal documents?
?? ?but he never came.
??? Yesterday, I?asked Mr Flores' brother if an autopsy had been conducted. he responded?that Ms Santos?had told
??? him he didn't have to do one. Today, during the radio interview, Ms Santos when asked about this,?stated that the
??? Waukegan Police Dept?had told her she could not do an autopsy. This is an inaccurrate statement.
??? Any common person knows that the local police departments do not address the issue of autopsies but rather the
??? Lake County Coronor. To my knowledge, Ms Santos has no?law or medical?degree, ?nor any legal?nor??
??? medical?professional experience?to correctly address these issues resulting in?many mistakes and inaccuracies???
??? to occur. Mr Flores body has been already sent to Mexico according to his brother .?
??? Last Thursday,9/17/09 ?Mr Flores signed authorization for any communication about his brothers case
??? ?(not to Ms SANTOS) ?.?
????I strongly suggest?the LULAC organization look into this matter and prevent any further?"mistakes" to
?? occurr in the Waukegan Latino community,?exposing the organization to liability?.???????????