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Today's Breakin was photographed by a High Definition camera
curbyourkidz Wrote:
sunny Wrote:I agree. The poster is not answering questions. I am having visions of the balloon boy family calling 911 to report him flying away. The poster's pictures and story are interesting but his desire for praise seems most important to him. It seems a little odd.
Why bother with a loser poster like this one, or the ludicrous "Balloon Boy Jerk-wad"? Sunny; When these creeps break in and snap your neck, your tune will change. These seriously hardened criminals are chosing homes based on location (Secluded) and a 2 second glance as they drive by. Sunny, You will say anything to get a rise. You are simply typing because you think you have a thought of value (You're wrong, you forgive the crimnals and sanction the messengers). The security video shows morons like you driving right past the break in, as it is in progress (The next-door neighbors, to this mans home in this case). I post evidentiary pictures and put myself on the line, like I have nothing to loose, just to find my reward for being an upstanding citizen is to be attacked. Innocent until proven guilty? LOL, How ungodly stupid can anyone be (When even pictures will not convince you, you are beyond hope)? You think I staged Thugs? do you sincerely believe those thugs lived at this home? You are so amazingly ignorant. Go toss yourself. got me. But you still have not answered any questions. I also think it is a little odd that you would turn these photos over to the police and then post them on a public site. I would think the police would prefer to handle the release of them to the media. By exposing them, you may have allowed the criminals time and information needed to go into hiding. If you really wanted justice why the push for recognition? If you need to hear it...good job. But has anyone been arrested? Was a crime commited? It is still unclear. I sincerely believe it is everyone's responsibility to help raise kids. I am a teacher and I do my part every day. I see and hear things that many adults would never believe come out of the mouths of teenagers. I do my part. I do more than my part. I am sorry if I offended you but I (and others) are getting an odd vibe form your posts.
Locking this one until I talk to someone at WPD.

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