I managed to catch a breakin as it happened today. I have shared very clear photos of the perps with Waukegan, Gurnee, and Lake County police. The car type and plate number is also clear. Three Black Males in a Silver Rusty dented 4 Door Honda Accord CX with no front bumper. Temporary tags # 485L680. There is a Frank Gentile Tag on the back. The Plates come back to an apartment in the Julian Towers. The car was purchased from Grand Auto Sales in Waukegan. It has been spotted at the Citgo on Grand Ave. I am Attempting to upload photos, and have sent the Images to Channel 5 News, hopefully for tonights broadcast. The Police were Excellent and professional, missing them by meer seconds at the time.
I can supply the full High definition footage + security Camera footage for the news.
Buy the LTS DVR Camera package from <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.Newegg.com">http://www.Newegg.com</a><!-- m -->)
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16881381067&cm_re=lts_dvr-_-81-381-067-_-Product">http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... -_-Product</a><!-- m -->
I Highly recommend everybody in Waukegan buy these so we can stop and catch these crooks. They are easy to mount and you can monitor from your phone, or PC Anywhere!
I don't work for, or own Newegg, I am interested in stopping these loosers, and these Cameras are great.