Waukegan Talk
Waukegan Art - Printable Version

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Re: Waukegan Art - Danno - 06-03-2010

kellyann1293 Wrote:I had a 4-year old in my yard bragging that he was a member of the '4 Corner Hustlers' yesterday.
I have a feeling that societal forces are at the root of this issue. We have a stong "us against them" mentality cultivated in our culture. Where does this divisiveness, this seperation of what is essentially "us" into "us and them" come from? Maybe it really doesn't matter where it comes from. Maybe the question should be why do we or why have we kept it going for so long?

I know one thing for sure. Looking at the entire universe we, meaning all inhabitants of the Earth, are most definately an "us" because as far as we know we are the only ones here. There is no such thing as "them". Maybe we need to teach our kids that.

Re: Waukegan Art - WT Reader - 06-03-2010

The Waukegan Police Dept has a very good unit that deals with gang issues and a committed new Police Chief.
We also have a very conscientous and earnest new Mayor.

So I hope you and your neighbors, Danno, are contacting the Wkgn Police Dept about all of this, the Police Chief,
the Mayor as well as your Alderman.

Let those who administer and enforce our laws know about this asap, as they will most certainly will be eager to help.

-- WT Reader

Re: Waukegan Art - believeinwaukegan - 06-03-2010

Painting gang symbols on an elderly lady's garage is inexcusable, but does anyone out there understand (or care) that we may be in the process of poisoning the entire Gulf of Mexico. The oil has already spread so far that 1/3 of the Gulf has been closed to fishing. To dig an oil well so deep that we can't plug a gushing leak is even worse, much worse, than allowing corporations to become too big to fail. "Drill, baby, drill" has turned out to be a vile obscenity. And consider as well the recent push for nuclear power. We want more of it as soon as possible, even though the lethal radioactive waste it generates must be stored for longer than the entire period of human civilization, and we don't yet have a clue about how to do it. When you get past the soundbites and political spin and turn off the radio and TV and just think about these things, maybe even pray about them, you realize that we are living in a world that has fueled greed and envy and consumption to the point of insanity and self-destruction. "What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world at the cost of his soul?" Most preachers won't tell you this, but Jesus reserved his harshest words and harshest judgment for those who chose the pursuit of mammon (money, power, prestige) over the pursuit of the Kingdom of God. In other words, he reserved his harshest words and harshest judgment for US.

I know, I've taken a thread and morphed it into another subject. Sorry Danno, but I don't think you'll mind.

Re: Waukegan Art - WT Reader - 06-03-2010

believeinwaukegan Wrote:Painting gang symbols on an elderly lady's garage is inexcusable, but does anyone out there understand (or care) that we may be in the process of poisoning the entire Gulf of Mexico. The oil has already spread so far that 1/3 of the Gulf has been closed to fishing. To dig an oil well so deep that we can't plug a gushing leak is even worse, much worse, than allowing corporations to become too big to fail. "Drill, baby, drill" has turned out to be a vile obscenity. And consider as well the recent push for nuclear power. We want more of it as soon as possible, even though the lethal radioactive waste it generates must be stored for longer than the entire period of human civilization, and we don't yet have a clue about how to do it. When you get past the soundbites and political spin and turn off the radio and TV and just think about these things, maybe even pray about them, you realize that we are living in a world that has fueled greed and envy and consumption to the point of insanity and self-destruction. "What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world at the cost of his soul?" Most preachers won't tell you this, but Jesus reserved his harshest words and harshest judgment for those who chose the pursuit of mammon (money, power, prestige) over the pursuit of the Kingdom of God. In other words, he reserved his harshest words and harshest judgment for US.

I know, I've taken a thread and morphed it into another subject. Sorry Danno, but I don't think you'll mind.

Dear Believe...

I thought the same as you. Not one person has mentioned the disastrous BP oil spill in the Gulf, so late last night I posted in the POLITICS SECTION here
what many are saying about BP .. including "The RAGING Grannies."

Here is the link to the thread, already covered over by yet another of ClassicalLibs extreme right-wing rantings (probably the wrong place to post my BP perception, as most totally ignore this POLITICS SECTION now due to not wanting to be exposed to all the far-out "cut and paste" ravings ClassicalLib posts one after another after another after another after another after another after another ad infinitum nauseum).

<!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="http://www.wauktalk.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1153">viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1153</a><!-- l -->

-- WT Reader

Re: Waukegan Art - JazminH - 06-04-2010

I guess rules only apply to Classic.

Re: Waukegan Art - ClassicalLib17 - 06-04-2010

Dear believeinwaukegan, I am getting a sense that you are some kind of liberal leftist. Why don't you post a scientific article backing up your personal assumptions on nuclear power generation, or read my topic " Common Sense Energy Policy" on page three in the politics section.

Re: Waukegan Art - Danno - 06-04-2010

ClassicalLib17 Wrote:Dear believeinwaukegan, I am getting a sense that you are some kind of liberal leftist. Why don't you post a scientific article backing up your personal assumptions on nuclear power generation, or read my topic " Common Sense Energy Policy" on page three in the politics section.
I agree that the subject of the oil spill is a good one to talk about but it should have it's own thread. Why would you want to produce electricity utilizing a dangerous substance which is potentially harmful to the environment you live in when such an approach is unnecessary due to the fact that the technology exists to produce electricity without using dangerous substances? It'd be like using a sodium cyanide solution to wash your dishes when soap and water work just as well. Of course if you were brainwashed to believe that a sodium cyanide solution was the only effecitve way to wash dishes you might have a valid point... at least from your perspective.

Re: Waukegan Art - Danno - 06-04-2010

ClassicalLib17 Wrote:Dear believeinwaukegan, I am getting a sense that you are some kind of liberal leftist. Why don't you post a scientific article backing up your personal assumptions on nuclear power generation, or read my topic " Common Sense Energy Policy" on page three in the politics section.
Do you really need scientific articles to know that the radiation that is produced in the event of a reactor malfunction is very dangerous to human life?

If you doubt the poisonous effects of radiation just scroll down about halfway and read about thyroid cancer and Chernobyl.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.ki4u.com/three_mile_island.htm">http://www.ki4u.com/three_mile_island.htm</a><!-- m -->

Re: Waukegan Art - believeinwaukegan - 06-04-2010

The rate of decay of a radioactive isotope is called its half-life, the time in which half the initial amount of atoms present takes to decay. The half-life of Plutonium-239, one particularly lethal component of nuclear waste, is 24,000 years.
The hazardous life of a radioactive element (the length of time that must elapse before the material is considered safe) is at least 10 half-lives. Therefore, Plutonium-239 will remain hazardous for at least 240,000 years.

That's pure science, as opposed to pure BS.

Re: Waukegan Art - admin - 06-04-2010

JazminH Wrote:I guess rules only apply to Classic.

In case you haven't noticed, I haven't been enforcing rules yet. Why don't you head over to the "Moving Forward" thread and add some insightful suggestions and/or feedback instead of popping up, like you usually do, with a snarky comment?