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Are you trying to get a date? YOU GOT IT! :lol: I'll go out with anyone who can push a wheelchair. Wink
Wow... Nice to be missed. Did not know anyone would notice.

I'm reading all the posts to catch up right now... I've been out of touch
with the goings on for a few months. It's fun to now get the
scoop on things all in one sitting.

Thanks for the shout out.
Glad to hear from you. The Admin and I have been playing "can't log in, getn logged in, and then, can't log in again". (I asked if my ex-husband's wife worked with them) :lol: Hey DANNO & DENNIS, if I'm not on the Forum for atleast a week, e-mail me to see what's happening and if I don't respond to your e-mail, (God forbid) I'm back in the Hospital. I tried sending you guys private messages but they wouldn't go through. The FAQ said one of the reason could be that I'm not logged in, OR Admin just won't let me send a message. I am logged in and I don't believe they won't let me send a message. Oh, Lord, time for a VICODIN Tongue
I'm still alive... had four surgeries since January. 1st one on my back..had some fake discs installed...2nd surgery was due to internal bleeding from the 1st surgery. then I got an infection and had to have a 3rd surgery. then the infection came back and had to have a 4th surgery... been down in the dumps a lot... not feeling like posting anything...Going to be a grandpa for the 1st time next month so that is good. Some are losing their jobs where I work...wondering if I am next...sometimes life sucks...but I have enough experience to know that it will improve...just waiting for that to happen.... the damn Cubs aren't helping anything this they suck really bad. I predict though when I see my grandchild's face next month everything is going to begin to look up.
Hello my friend. You and I are living almost identical lives. I'll be a first time Grandma by the end of this Month. Big Grin I feel so blessed. You know, there have been times when I've gotten out of the hospitaL and felt worse. I've got to get another chest xray today. The penumonia is really lingering on, and I know that the humidity doesn't help. I pray for cool weather. Not cold, because then I have wrap up like a mummy so that the cold air won't get on my face. So, if its too hot or too cold, ole BD has to stay in. Take care--lets not procrastinate---if sumpin hurts lets--GO TO THE DOCTOR.
I have been away and thought I'd stop back,
You can't control the wind but you can adjust your least until the wind blows then down.

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