02-24-2010, 08:37 PM
High end administrative pay - THE LINCOLN CENTER 2009
Mary Lamping =160,000 + district car
Bill Newby = 110,000 + district car
Richard Pattison = 133,000 who?
Jules Gaudin = 174,000 (hes the one that spoke at the union meeting and told the teachers they need to take a pay cut) funny guy! +district car
Donaldo Batiste = 230,000 + district car
Lower level administration
Luis Correa =73,500 plus
Minerva Cruz =90,000
Terrance McHugh = 80,000 plus
Steve Hamlin = 160,000
Dave Perkins = 110,000
All compliments of thechampion.org
Please remember all of them will have raises next year per their contract.
Mary Lamping =160,000 + district car
Bill Newby = 110,000 + district car
Richard Pattison = 133,000 who?
Jules Gaudin = 174,000 (hes the one that spoke at the union meeting and told the teachers they need to take a pay cut) funny guy! +district car
Donaldo Batiste = 230,000 + district car
Lower level administration
Luis Correa =73,500 plus
Minerva Cruz =90,000
Terrance McHugh = 80,000 plus
Steve Hamlin = 160,000
Dave Perkins = 110,000
All compliments of thechampion.org
Please remember all of them will have raises next year per their contract.