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Temporary Bans
User: s.wonder
Length Of Ban: 2 Days
Reason: Trolling a thread that's run its course.
User: freedomisntfree
Length Of Ban: 7 Days
Reason: Needs a break
User: TypesWithFist
Length Of Ban: 7 Days
Reason: Ruining my vacation (Inappropriate Posting)
User: JazminH
Length Of Ban: 3 Days
Reason: Personal attack on another poster.
User: just_us
Length Of Ban: 30 Days
Reason: Hateful/Racist Post
User: Snoopy
Length Of Ban: Beats me
Reason: Personal attack on another poster.
User: countymounty
Length Of Ban: 3 days
Reason: Trolling
User: Mouse
Length Of Ban: 3 days
Reason: Personal attack on another poster
User: Harold
Length Of Ban: 3 days
Reason: Trolling, baiting, failure to act in a civilized manner, pushing MY rules in MY face, and most importantly due to the principle of it - accusing me of not allowing people's opinions to be posted here until just recently after letting him freely post his opinions here for well over a month. That was insulting and uncalled for. Take your damn ball and go home if you don't like my rules - we'll get another ball.
User: TypesWithFist
Length Of Ban: 3 Days
Reason: Inappropriate Comments

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