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Wkgn School Guards go on trial for ghost-payroll scheme
Was this in the News Sun??

Waukegan school guards go on trial in alleged ghost-payroll scheme
Ghost-payrolling scheme is alleged

By Emily S. Achenbaum | Tribune reporter
December 23, 2008

A bench trial began Monday in the case against two Waukegan public school security guards accused of a scheme in which they were paid for hours they allegedly did not work.

Waukegan police in January charged Anthony Artley, 42, of Waukegan and Dewayne Williams, 47, of Beach Park with theft charges for allegedly stealing thousands of dollars each from Waukegan schools by ghost payrolling. The men have pleaded not guilty.

In court Monday, Lake County Assistant State's Atty. Patricia Fix said both men held other security officer jobs at the same time they worked for the schools, and the hours overlapped.

Fix said evidence would show Artley, who worked for the school system from September 2006 to May 2007, was holding three security jobs with overlapping hours. Williams, who worked for the school system from September 2007 until January, would work out at his gym during hours he was being paid, she said.

But attorneys for Artley and Williams said the men did work their hours.

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WAUKEGAN -- Former Waukegan security guards Anthony Artley and DeWayne Williams have been found not guilty of bilking the school district out of thousands of dollars.

Circuit Judge John Phillips ruled late Monday afternoon there is not enough evidence to support the allegations.

Williams of Beach Park and Artley of Waukegan were accused of falsifying time cards. Prosecutors alleged that the men worked other jobs during hours when they were supposed to be on duty in Waukegan. They were cleared on six counts of theft each.

That the men were found not guilty came as no surprise to Artley's attorney, Douglas Roberts, who questioned why the men were ever charged.

"I don't think that the judge had any choice," Roberts said. "The state was woefully short in the evidence that they needed (for a guilty verdict)."

During the bench trials, many witnesses -- including the security guards' former supervisor, Al Rogers -- testified that the time sheets turned in by staff only represent hours they are scheduled to work, and not necessarily their actual hours.

Roberts and Williams' attorney, Elliot Pinsel, argued from the beginning of the case that their clients were simply following a protocol that had been in place for years.

Roberts said he thought Rogers' testimony was the most helpful, because he explained that security guards were often allowed to work different hours than what they were scheduled as long as Rogers verbally approved it.

"(Rogers's testimony) had all the weight in the world," Roberts said. "He is a department head, and he is authorized to set shifts and make changes."

Pinsel said he thinks the trial could have been avoided if school officials spoke with Artley and Williams before going to police.

Pinsel said Roberts they don't know what their clients will do next. Williams and Artley lost their jobs with the school district following their arrest, and both were maligned in the press, Pinsel said.

"Where do the guys go to get their reputation back?" he asked.

February 1, 2009 8:02 PM
This seems to be part of the RICO enterprise, 2 innocent men were "Arrested" and placed on a year long trial for media attention and personal gain , as always the public is completely unaware of the facts. In fact on many occasions the public often joined the State’s plot for a modern –day hanging. I hope the individuals responsible for drawing-up fake criminal activity for personal agenda’s or just to make the state's attorney's office look important are brought to justice.

One of many fake cases>> the alleged Ghost Payroll Scam!!!! THIS ONE YEAR FAKE CASE COST THE TAX PAYER OVER $250.000 alleging a theft of $2,300??? The Media broke the story as a "ghost pay rolling" of $10.000 and up!!! The true amount is
$2,300 going back two years, this matter should have been discussed among the school District Administrators and problem solved. Many residents express in glowing terms their critical evaluation and person attacks on the two men falsely accused. The two men were deemed guilty before a trial even begun. Most likely, since the public depends on the school system to provide them with the information they use to make decisions, the problem is more than one, not exercising effective oversight over the school system’s processes.

The public /taxpayers were misled and the District used the Police, States Attorneys and Media as a weapon. The School Board is ultimately responsible for spending LARGE AMOUNTS OF Taxpayers money and not including court cost. When a bureaucrat embarrasses the elected officials who have oversight over him, it’s not uncommon for the career of that bureaucrat to be cut somewhat short. Restoring confidence in the County’s Schools officials of District 60. Whose responsibility is probably not an option, but an imperative? The School Board has the position for simply just doing a good job and being honest with the taxpayers/ public. It’s an object lesson in earned political capital.

The School District did not consult with the subordinate’s supervisor before assuming guilt or going to the Mayor’s Office and Police. DURING court proceedings all the state's witnesses indicated the entire paraprofessional staff was following the same protocol according to the evidence presented in the court room. Which was pointed out by Artley’s attorney, who indicated why stop at arresting only Mr. Artley and Mr. Williams many of the State’s witnesses testified that they would on many occasions deviate shift changes while working second jobs. DURING court proceedings all the state's witness indicated testimony completely different from what the investigating detective stated in his statement narratives. The State held its own witnesses on Perjury charges clearly shows the intent of fraud and malicious prosecution intentions. The entire paraprofessional staff is following the same protocol according to the evidence presented in the court room.

School Board you are the Not consulting with the subordinate’s supervisor before assuming guilt, let along arresting only two men BEFORE conducting interviews with co-workers. DURING court proceedings all the state's witness indicated testimony completely different from what the investigating detective stated in his statement narratives the State claims the witnesses indicated. The State held its own witnesses on Perjury charges. Clearly shows the intent of fraud and malicious prosecution intentions. The entire paraprofessional staff is following the same protocol according to the evidence presented in the court room. To note: NOT one single School administrator joined the States Attorney's claims in the courtroom in her attempts to prosecute these men. Where’s School board, H.R, Pay roll dept. Such lack of action may spell conspiracy intentions. The judge made very noted remarks regarding that fact doing final remarks and in 5 or 10 minutes he gave a not “Guilty Verdict”. The wrong people were place on trial and as this develops I hope the real “Crooks” pay!!!!
Now of course, more tax-dollars will be spent towards supporting up-coming lawsuits as result of this personal agendas scheme. Confusedhock:

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Citizens of Waukegan, it is very clear to the human eye how our tax dollars are wasted. It’s very interesting that they have so many wasteful top heavy administration jobs that they can do without. Yet these positions remain untouched, I have long suspected that the problem with District 60 schools isn't a lack of money but how the money is spent. District 60 School administrators and school board appointee's are making poor decisions that are effecting our children's education not to mention our financial future. Thus, in part-reason there's a short-fall of 9 million dollars currently. Considering School Administrators are funding expensive personal agenda schemes, without merit or logic to support their personal Motives.

Why would District 60 administration fund a malicious fake prosecution without any evidence to support the allegations ? The school district is where the majority of taxpayer’s dollars are spent and more likely wasted, whether you have children attending the district or not. School administrators and board appointees are making poor decisions that effect our children's education and our financial future. Why such large sums of tax -dollars are being wasted on an internal accountability matter “Ghost payroll scam investigation”. Worth only $2,300 ????? Involving the Major’s office, local Police, States Attorney Office outside accounting Investigation firms and not to mention the News Sun and the surrounding media such as the1220 Voice of Lake county & Fred Flanagan’s media assault team. Other media circuits join in also and blew out of proportions what appeared to be a very small matter in the court room.

The judge picked it apart play by play. I must admit at first light of the allegations an outraged emotion fueled my heart. I took a personal interest in the accused bilking the school district. I attended portions of the trial and I was surprise to discover an immensely amount of facts regarding the allegations. Without merit, School Administrators should have been the ones on trial. There was absolutely no evidence to support the charges.

This is one of many personal agenda driven plots this Administration has funded. A host of Lawsuits are currently pending against the District as a result of many foul-ups AND personal agenda schemes. I'm just a plain hard-working citizen however; common sense deems me to understand certain factices: School Board member’s accountability, Belt tightening, Transparency at a reasonable cost? What do you say, Waukegan District 60? Please.... will you learn from our failing strategies and miss-appropriation of School funds MOVING FORWARD..
Doesn’t our system of criminal justice presume a defendant is innocent until proven guilty? And doesn’t it therefore follow that he is entitled to all exculpatory or innocence-proving evidence? Can’t the judge just force the media to give up the information if it would create a more fair trial? Well, yes, yes, and kind of. The story broke as a Ghost payroll scheme out the gate and to only find a administrative blunder on the District's end is mind blowing........ Wow

Artley and Williams were never presumed innocent. Additionally, they were mangle and destroyed by the press and citizens gossip. These men were entitled under the Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to a lawyer to a speedy trial, to a public trial, to an impartial jury and to confront witnesses. This bundle of rights is sometimes referred to as the right to a “fair trial.”

On the other hand, the news media, and individual citizens acting as news gatherers and disseminators, also have certain rights. Under the First Amendment, “Congress” is banned from making laws that restrict freedom of the press. The word “Congress” has been interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court to apply to all levels and all branches of government (with The First and Sixth Amendments are both part of what is called the Bill of Rights, collectively our first 10 amendments to the Constitution. Both became effective Dec. 15, 1791, and from the day they were enacted these two parts of the Constitution have been at war.

Well, I can only imagine what these men had to endure four over a year I understand one of the men even lost his family behind this alleged ghost-payroll scheme. It’s a shame that a lawsuit has to be imposed to get the responsible parties to own their anarchy. What a waste of Tax dollars !!!!
Quote:Immoving3 says:
During the bench trials, many witnesses -- including the security guards' former supervisor, Al Rogers -- testified that the time sheets turned in by staff only represent hours they are scheduled to work, and not necessarily their actual hours.
A-h-h, the loophole. Waukegan is in big trouble folks, due to the incompetence of our elected school board, past and present, the questionable people THEY hire to work for our school district, and let's not forget the Waukegan-loving self-interest voter, comprising 11% of the usual 20% voter turnout for each election. The quote above screams incompetence and perhaps, even malfeasance. Makes me wonder how many more 'quality' employees are on our District payroll. The only winners in this whole fiasco are the lawyers-- School District, criminal defense, and prosecutorial, owing to the fact they all got paid. The FACT that Al Rogers allowed employees to submit inaccurate time sheets on a verbal o.k. doesn't remove the bad smell from this whole affair. Why not just turn in an accurate statement of hours worked? Unless you have something to hide.
Accounting for $2,300 is what’s in question here according to court proceedings, turning in inaccurate time sheets is one thing….but blowing the major dollars$$$ to place two security guards on trial and not presenting a shred evidence to support the inaccurate time sheet theory is totally “Preposterous”. The inaccurate time sheet may have presented a problem in the eyes of the District’s administrative proceedings. However, the inaccurate time sheet “loophole” didn’t show there was anything to hide in a Judicial Judge’s Circuit Court Room. If there is an administrative violation committed by all means address it, but gather all the facts first before launching a rocket into space… LMAO !!!

Which by the way, cost big $$$$$$$$$$$$$. You are correct, there’s something to hide for sure and it’s not in the pockets of two security guards paychecks. We should question what the real flight behind the mystery ghost-payroll scheme is. Please Smile there were many Ex- District employees who were canned for miss-appropriation of funds in the major $$$$$$ dollar amount bracket… And are currently pocketing millions… have not seen an arrest warrant. But by all means let’s place the blame on inaccurate time sheet “loophole” theory!!! Maybe if a single District administrator would have joined the State’s time sheet loophole” theory it wouldn’t been a loophole. According to the Judge it was never a dynamic as he pointed out the time sheet did not generate a paycheck. Please don’t quote Media clippings you are embarrassing yourself. Everyone knows the media never gets the facts. I guess you didn’t know that huh?????
I thought I was supporting your point of view the best I could. The incompetence and possible malfeasance I referred to was directly aimed at the school board and an unknown number of district employees. I quoted your post because that one statement by their boss, Al Rogers, blew the prosecution's case away. That shows the prosecutor and investigators didn't do their homework. If they had bothered to note Boss Rogers' shoddy time-keeping practices, they would have realized they had no case. I wonder who hired Al Rogers in the first place?
I appreciate your support of my point however; you seem to not completely understand this is not about Al Rogers’s poor time keeping practices, in the scheme of things he was merely an easy mark to carry out a more sinister plan. :twisted: A Judicial Judge’s Circuit Court Room is not where an administrative violation of this small scale is addressed. Let’s impose excessive and cruel penalties such as imprisonment on the head’s of two security guards without a shred evidence, while the real crooks walk right out the front door with bags of $$$$$$$!!!!!! 8-) Al Rogers should have been fired; it would have saved the District/Taxpayers tons of money in the long run. Let’s just wait it’s been very quiet regarding the story on :Wkgn School Guards go on trial for ghost-payroll scheme??? Hmmm… Wink

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