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A "monolithic & ruthless conspiracy" .... President Kennedy
ClassicalLib17 Wrote:If only the voting public would demand strict adherence to our Constitution these birds would move on to other countries to ply their corrupt craft. In the end, these people know that our sons and daughters, who have enlisted in our volunteer armed forces, will not turn their guns on their parents. God Bless America

Did you know, Class, that many are concerned that the elites are secretly right now encouraging some soldiers not to be so loyal to The People? There are rumors afloat that FEMA camps are being readied for imprisoning those Americans who will not yield to Their One World Agenda of Enslavement for all but Them?

This is the reason for "The Oathkeepers" keep as many active military, veterans and police officers from turning their weapons against us, if commanded to do so by elite political puppets of global bankers and those in high places lurking behind the scenes planning to institute a possible one-world agenda of enslavement.

This all in direct contravention of long-time American laws including The Insurrection Act (1807) and Posse Comitatus (1878) which severely limit The Executive Branch from keeping active armies in operation on American soil to act against The People.

I am not saying I agree with this perspective, but I had no idea about such issues as this including the "Oathkeepers" undertaking until recently when I began to try to understand this entire New World Order allegation.

Certainly, many of our greatest Presidents have warned us of such a possibility, including as initially cited above, Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, Wilson (who understood it too late), Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Eisenhower and President John Fitzgerald Kennnedy.

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(go to 4:35 to get into the real info on this fascinating and extremely informative vid about the history of
The Federal Management Emergency Agency aka FEMA and what many assert this agency is clandestinely involved with now to enslave The American People by The Federal Government and the secret shadow government alleged therein composed of global elitist bankers and The New World Order)

-- WT Reader
WT Reader Wrote:
Danno Wrote:This one exposes a deep dark secret of President Bush that is ever so disturbing to visualize and comprehend.
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:lol: :lol: :lol:

-- WT Reader
These can be quite funny too.
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ClassicalLib17 Wrote:If only the voting public would demand strict adherence to our Constitution these birds would move on to other countries to ply their corrupt craft. In the end, these people know that our sons and daughters, who have enlisted in our volunteer armed forces, will not turn their guns on their parents. God Bless America
Not adhering to the Constitution is not the root cause of our problems. The inherent corruptability of the entire system is the problem. The people do not corrupt the system. The corrupt system corrupts the people. You could banish all corrupt people from this country tomorrow and it would just be a matter of time before it is back where it is now. That's also why it will not help to put new people in office. Do you think these new people who may gain office this November are uncorruptable? Corruption not only permeates our society but is an inevitable and predictable product of it.
Amusing yet sad video of Dubya above, Danno.

As for our system just structurally open to corruption, I opine that it is the huge influence of vast sums of money which corrupt it.

Our Founding Fathers did not foresee this development, such as rich powerful private banks and particularly The Fed...both Jefferson fought against a central bank, Andrew Jackson did, Lincoln warned of the rise of vast, huge corporations and special interests (for which many believe he was assassinated as a result) and Woodrow Wilson was crushed, both emotionally and physically, upon promoting and passage of the third new central bank for the USA, The Fed, back in 1913. JFK likewise saw the threat, tried to curtail The Fed and many believe it was the private bankers who had him assassinated for this "act of rebellion."

Our Founding Fathers had nothing against free enterprise and capitalism. Rather, they never envisioned how powerful special interests then global interests would become, and in their own way back to Washington warned against it.

Problem is that we did not heed their warnigs, ergo what we have today. A mess of an economy on Main Street while Wall Street revels in our misery, showing nothing but contempt for the average American worker. It is all about The Elites today, both nationally, on the state level and even on the municipal level.

As long as The Elites and many of Their puppets in government posing as our leaders are happy, fat and sassy, the rest of us are just a burden to them, an inconvenient truth, and we can just "go eat cake." New faces yet mostly same failed policies and lack of vision...and as the Good Book says in Proverbs 29:18 (KJV) "where there is no vision, the people perish; but he that keepeth the law, happy is he."

-- WT Reader
WT Reader Wrote:Amusing yet sad video of Dubya above, Danno.

As for our system just structurally open to corruption, I opine that it is the huge influence of vast sums of money which corrupt it.

Our Founding Fathers did not foresee this development, such as rich powerful private banks and particularly The Fed...both Jefferson fought against a central bank, Andrew Jackson did, Lincoln warned of the rise of vast, huge corporations and special interests (for which many believe he was assassinated as a result) and Woodrow Wilson was crushed, both emotionally and physically, upon promoting and passage of the third new central bank for the USA, The Fed, back in 1913. JFK likewise saw the threat, tried to curtail The Fed and many believe it was the private bankers who had him assassinated for this "act of rebellion."

Our Founding Fathers had nothing against free enterprise and capitalism. Rather, they never envisioned how powerful special interests then global interests would become, and in their own way back to Washington warned against it.

Problem is that we did not heed their warnigs, ergo what we have today. A mess of an economy on Main Street while Wall Street revels in our misery, showing nothing but contempt for the average American worker. It is all about The Elites today, both nationally, on the state level and even on the municipal level.

As long as The Elites and many of Their puppets in government posing as our leaders are happy, fat and sassy, the rest of us are just a burden to them, an inconvenient truth, and we can just "go eat cake." New faces yet mostly same failed policies and lack of vision...and as the Good Book says in Proverbs 29:18 (KJV) "where there is no vision, the people perish; but he that keepeth the law, happy is he."

-- WT Reader
Of course corruption is about the influence of money. Corruption in human society started to appear when neolithic society began. Technological advances made surplus possible which opened the door to corruption. Before the neolithic age, in a hunter/gatherer society, life was very much egalitarian.

The founding fathers were certainly aware of the fact that corruption was an inherent part of the free enterprise system. They however believed that corruption was an inevitable part of human nature and therefore it was an issue of degree. In other words corruption was viewed as unavoidable due to human nature so some degree of corruption was inevitable and thus acceptable. Their intentions were probably noble but they really didn't know they had a better choice. Science knows different now... we do have a better choice.
We ALL need to realize that fact worldwide or we are in for some big big trouble soon.

My prediction is a world war that will make all other wars look like childs play that will take place sometime within the next 5 to 5o years. Those huge underground doomsday shelters are probably a smart choice. Those few who survive will have a much better world than we.

On a slightly different note, one thing our founders probably did not predict or envision at all is the fact that the free enterprise system is very very hard on the planet and its resources. It cannot be sustained. We also know better now and do have a choice but there are some very stubborn people in the world.

You paint a very bleak future. Of course, the global elites will be in the deep bunkers, and the world's seed supply will be stored at the Svalbard Global Seed Bank in the Arctic Circle. All They will be rid of us peons.

However, what kind of world will that be? Radiation everywhere, charred everything...they most likely will have to live in their undeground caverns forever. What kind of life would that be?

I think that even The Elites will do their best to prevent nuclear holocaust, and it does not benefit them at all. That is one hopeful possibility.

You say above that science has the answer to our broken, corrupt world order. So what is that answer science has, other than the nuclear bomb devastation already discussed?

-- WT Reader
WT Reader Wrote:Danno,

You paint a very bleak future. Of course, the global elites will be in the deep bunkers, and the world's seed supply will be stored at the Svalbard Global Seed Bank in the Arctic Circle. All They will be rid of us peons.

However, what kind of world will that be? Radiation everywhere, charred everything...they most likely will have to live in their undeground caverns forever. What kind of life would that be?

I think that even The Elites will do their best to prevent nuclear holocaust, and it does not benefit them at all. That is one hopeful possibility.

You say above that science has the answer to our broken, corrupt world order. So what is that answer science has, other than the nuclear bomb devastation already discussed?

-- WT Reader
I did not necessarily imply war involving nuclear weapons.

I get tired of writing this stuff. The answer to your question about science is not a quick answer. I think in the above context what I meant about "science knowing different now" was that we simply know that corruption and greed are learned behaviors... we learn them from the environment we are raised in.

In terms of science in general, we basically need to put our faith in science, instead of myth or politicians, for science has concrete solutions to problems. Politicians are vast failures when it comes to solutions to problems. Look around the room you are sitting in. Everything you see is the result of science and technology including the monitor you are reading this on right now. Science created nuclear fission, politics made it into a bomb. Science and technology may have got us into this mess in the first palce with the invention of agriculture and then the plow but we are now at a place in time where we have a firm grasp on all of the mechanisms involved and therefore the knowledge to make life much more humane on this planet.

Please watch or read some of the Zeitgeist Movement material. Forget Alex Jones, he is all about self promotion, personal agendas, money and therefore doesn't have much integrity.
WT Reader Wrote:

What kind of life would that be?

-- WT Reader
Aside from the possible loss of technological advances and possible nuclear contamination they will, as long as all power stucture is gone, have their freedom back.

I've asked several times, on this forum, for a definition of freedom or if we truly have it. The only answer I ever got was the half joking answer: "freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose". I also asked about democracy. Well, we have neither. They are myths. Our freedom is limited to the amount of personal purchasing power we may have and democracy is impossible in a system with such monetary differential as ours, for money IS power.

Jefferson's idea that "all men are created equal" is also a myth in a free market monetary system. What the heck was Jefferson thinking? Was he naive, was he just getting in the face of the King of England or was he just being overly optimistic to that proposition. He had to have known that money or the lack of it would strongly influence how "equal" a person was.
No, Danno, Jefferson didn't know because you weren't there to tell him how to think. Imagine what America would be like today if you, Jacques, and Peter had been the ones who wrote our governing document? Praise the lord for individuality, and common sense.
ClassicalLib17 Wrote:No, Danno, Jefferson didn't know because you weren't there to tell him how to think. Imagine what America would be like today if you, Jacques, and Peter had been the ones who wrote our governing document? Praise the lord for individuality, and common sense.
If Jacques, Peter and I had created the "governing document" 240 some years ago it most likely would be the same as it is now. This is because we are at the forefront of creating a better way for humans to live just as the founding fathers were in their time.

I think what you fail to understand is that there is an evolution process involved. I don't fault the founding fathers for not doing a better job. They were a product of their times and a product of their environment just like those before and after them are. Hench their view that slaves were not people endowed with rights but were merely property. To expect them to have had the ability to create a better form of government than they did would be like expecting a caveman to make a Zippo lighter before the invention of the flint or fire drill. The same way that the flint or fire drill were part of a chain of predeceeding inventions which led up to the eventual invention of the Zippo lighter so too will the ideas and form of government that the founding fathers gave us lead to something better someday. Humans are emergent beings. We build on the accomplishments of the past. There is always advancement. When you start to view some form of government, or any technological advancement for that matter, as a "be all and end all", such as you have expressed here many times, is when you are disconnected with the reality of how we humans live and operate here on Planet Earth.

Do you understand this concept?

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