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Psychiatric Illness pervasive? in the Netherlands
I sure have enjoyed the intelligent healthcare talk from you local experts and our sane? friend Dennis from Holland . Thought you might want to add this tidbit to your ongoing professorial. Home Themes Mental health care
The ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport has defined mental illness as one of the priority disorders.

The high incidence of mental disorders in the Netherlands leads to much distress and a high sick leave. However, mental problems do not affect only individuals but also entail a significant social and economic burden.

Most common disorders
Most common mental disorders are depression, anxiety syndromes and problems around alcohol and drugs; depression and anxiety disorders are already in second and third place on the list of the most common disorders.

The total costs of psychiatric illness in the Netherlands amount to 3 to 4% of the Gross National Product. 30% of people claiming disability benefit do so because of some mental disorder.
Prevention and socialisation
Prevention of mental disorders is considered to be very important. Intake of patients in specialised institutions however, should be reduced. This can be achieved by strengthening the role of primary health care (family doctors, psychologists, social work) in tracing and treating people with mental disorders.
Socialising of patients with mental disorders is considered a priority: they should be enabled to live and work in the community.

Mental health care in the Netherlands is divided into general, categorical and specialised institutions. Next to these, there are independently operating psychologists, psychotherapists, and psychiatrists. The sector also distinguishes between cure (leading to recovery) and care (for patients with chronic complaints).

Drugs addiction and care services
For people addicted to drugs, the Netherlands has an extensive network of care services: 11 clinics for addiction, with a total of 1,600 places, and 7 psychiatric hospitals with special treatment units.

Approximately 75% of drug addicts receive care of some kind. Methadone distribution schemes enable them to lead a relatively normal life, thereby reducing the inconvenience to the public. Needle exchange programmes prevent the spread of diseases like AIDS and hepatitis B through infected needles. Addicts also have access to day centres, night shelters and sheltered housing.

"The Dutch Guy"
I think Harold is impressed that the Dutch health system actually identifies and treats mental health issues. Instead of ignore and hide it like the US.

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