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What is wrong with this place?
OK maybe its just me,but not being FROM here has given me perspective,here in lovely lake county we';
Piss& Moan about an old man raising sheep,and such on 10 acres of his own land,methadone clinics that save lives,and instead of moving ahead ,this place seems to whine a lot about some "Golden Age" way back when . Towns like Zion make no sense,It was founded by idiots who thought the earth was flat,and didnt the "sainted " rev Dowie go on the lam to jamaica with the churches $$$? but no dungeon of doom,who the hell thinks the earth is flat when you can see its curve on lake michigan? lunacy. Hey I know, lets elect the son of a union busting mayor we had back in the good ol days.Lets give whitmores a licence to steal from poor peoples Impounded cars.Hey and while were at it lets register gun owners, with a foid card so we can get around the gun control act of 1968,constitution be damned. This is not AMERICA.
It'd be sad if it wern't so funny.It'd be funny if it wern't so sad.
It's probably best to save your breath Johnny. Reform has been tried here before. With a total of about 50 people who are interested in progressive reform it didn't work out too well. Even our "new improved" mayor is looking more and more like the "same old". The aldermen (all of them) are absolutely useless when it comes to pro-active thoughts and solutions and effective leadership. To pick on a farmer because he has animals in the city is absolutely insane. If our new mayor was anywhere near what he proposed during pre-election he would have gone and knocked some sense into those idiots who made that man give up his animals. Yeah, Waukegans problem is aniamls. Yeah, get them sheep out of here and everything will be fine. Good Job! I can rest easy now.
other thing Ive noticed and am curious about
Why do white people here have such a bullshit sense of "intitlement",like just because being white is some sort of a permit to the "good life"?
Why is there a caste system over which lame assed high school you went to,I dont get it,I really dont, I find arrogance very un-appealing,and when coupled with stupididity,un bearable.Im curious.
It'd be sad if it wern't so funny.It'd be funny if it wern't so sad.
johnny99 Wrote:other thing Ive noticed and am curious about
Why do white people here have such a bullshit sense of "intitlement",like just because being white is some sort of a permit to the "good life"?


When you say white people, do you mean albinos?

johnny99 Wrote:other thing Ive noticed and am curious about
Why do white people here have such a bullshit sense of "intitlement",like just because being white is some sort of a permit to the "good life"?
Why is there a caste system over which lame assed high school you went to,I dont get it,I really dont, I find arrogance very un-appealing,and when coupled with stupididity,un bearable.Im curious.

Though I can appreciate your sense of entitlement, as you suggest the race I happened to be born a part of. I find your latest remarks extremely offensive in your vague generalizations about any group of people. Every race has their asswholes.
WOW, we were off to a good start here but,
Snoopy, the correct spelling is "asshole", it’s a reverse conjunction of the words hole and ass, meaning the hole in ones ass that dung spews. Although I can somewhat agree with Johnny99’s first post, his second was disappointing. The only human race on this planet is the human race. Until we all get that into our heads we will never become the race that will live together on this "small planet" and we will continue to kill one another.
Equality also means that everyone must work equally for what they have/need and not cry racism or favoritism when they don't get what they want.
We all live in this city by choice, nobody makes us live here. I chose to raise my children here in part because of the diversity that this city offers. I love this city, the friends I’ve made living here, the parks, and the architecture of the older homes. Our down town and lake front are on the move. My kids are having a great year in school. High school and middle school, they’re dealing with the changes in the system positively and enjoying their classes, music, and sports programs. This city is moving forward, and it will get there faster with a unified effort from all of its residents. The way I see it is that we are all what makes Waukegan good and we are what will make Waukegan great. Do we have issues that need to be addressed? Hell yes we do and getting pro-active and involved is the way to address them. The middle school sports program has the ability to do a lot of good in early interdiction and will go a long way to help overcome some of our problems. It began as a partnership between the school and the WPD to get kids interested in positive after school activities and provide an opportunity for the kids to meet with the officer’s in better environment then they too commonly meet for the first time on the streets. Although we didn’t see many officers involved during the first year I’m hopeful that they will come out and meet with the kids a little more this year.
Johnny 99:

Get thee to a Spell Check or dictionary. Also, take ownership for your own mistakes and stop scapegoating a race or generation of people.

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