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Be careful for what you wish for
Santuary Bob II, first appointment, a clue to how clueless he is. Appoints Newt Finn corporation counsel, now Newt can shake down elderly residents in the name of the City of Waukegan instead of his Town organization. Residents of Waukegan hide your wallets, Newt smells money. Thing about this though, now Newt is a public servant and the truth about him can be told, skunk.
Clueless? Bob? Is that the best you can do? At least Bob can spell properly and write coherent sentences, Ataturk.
Proof reader, you're new to Waukegan, that excuses your ignorance I guess. There have been a few times in Sanctuary Bob's life when he hasn't been so coherent, but he forgot to mention that in his campaign. You should acquaint yourself with Newt, maybe he'll teach you the fine art shaking down Waukegan residents for a few bucks. What a great guy that Newt, but then you already knew that from your long experience as a Waukegan resident.
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> (click on TOWN Prospectus on left side of screen)
aliotakirk = loser slumlord
Hi Newt. Funny, in that whole prospectus I just read nowhere did you mention how you strong armed certain elderly residents into a settlement and payment plan, and then threatened them with more litigation if they didn't dutifully march to your office and drop off the payment. They weren't slumlords Danno. Heck Newt a pay cut may be in the offing.
It would be nice if folks would,"man up" and let us know all of the opposing sides and where they get their information. I must admit, I'm intrigued. I can only say two of the three of the most recent posts, are identified by their names. Care to enlighten us with your counter arguments in public? Not trying to out you, but an interesting debate. I would like substance to support this. I think Newton has done good things for Waukegan. I would like to see a real debate begin! Support the arguement with pointed facts, or I think they will be immediately dismissed as sour grapes here.
Shawn White
(224) 381-2834

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