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Union Election for President
What is up with The Wolick guy not providing a bio for the ballot for Union President? Who is he?

I certainly would not vote for someone who can't turn paperwork in on time.
Mr. Wolick is an outstanding candidate for union president. Most bios that are submitted for these things do not contain what is most important for union members to know. For example, Mr. Wolick has, as a union rep stood up on numerous occasions to represent members in their time of need, when other reps refrained from helping. He stood up because that was job and he did his duty and saved members jobs. Many of our former leaders might have been on time with their bios and they may have been very professional looking bios, but they never did as much as Mr. Wolick in terms of standing up for the rank and file classroom teacher in their time of need. Further, Mr. Wolick has a CPA and this will be to an advantage of the union in contract talks.

On a personal level, Mr. Wolick is a very good person who has no personal agenda but the improvement of the Waukegan Public Schools.

I would hope teachers consider this candidate for his record of helping others and knowledge of the contracts.

One final comment, Mr. Wolick is truly a good person, he has a good heart...that will not turn up in a submitted bio. It is unfortunate that many times the good people don't win out but maybe Mr. Wolick can do it this time with your support.

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