02-21-2009, 01:59 PM
I received a letter from Terry Link yesterday endorsing Mayor Hyde. In this letter Link says: "As you all know the economic crisis in our nation and state is something we have never experienced before. In the coming months President Obama and Congress will be spending millions of dollars in Illiois to stimulate the economy. Mayor Hyde is the best person to obtain those funds from Washington. Mayor Hyde worked with President Obama when he was a senator. Mayor Hyde is experienced in the ways of government and will be able to obtain the money for projects that will benefit our community."
What an out and out fraud by Link. Take a look at http://www.stimuluswatch.org/project/by_state and you will see that Waukegan hasn't presented anything for funding, unlike over a thousand Illinois communites, including North Chicago.
If Hyde was the most experienced and best person to lead us why have none of announced projects like condos, upscale downtown restaurants, harbor cleanup happened?
Another pitiful attempt to hold on to power by Hyde and Link.
I've had enough of NOTHING!
What an out and out fraud by Link. Take a look at http://www.stimuluswatch.org/project/by_state and you will see that Waukegan hasn't presented anything for funding, unlike over a thousand Illinois communites, including North Chicago.
If Hyde was the most experienced and best person to lead us why have none of announced projects like condos, upscale downtown restaurants, harbor cleanup happened?
Another pitiful attempt to hold on to power by Hyde and Link.
I've had enough of NOTHING!