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Roland Burris
He should just apologize, bow out ,and take his a$$ wherever it needs to go. I don't blame the "Party" but the individuals for their crooked ways. Its disgusting. I'm ashamed for what's happening in Illinois politics. I'm going to say I live in Waukegan, South Dakota, or somewhere. I have relatives in New York who gets a kick out of razzing me about Illinois.
I feel the same way, BD. Sick to death of Illinois and Waukegan Politics- 9 years left here and counting..... Big Grin
Either Tennesee or Kentucky. Gotta be better than this!
I have a theory about all of this. Firstly, when we were younger and growing up most of us did not pay much attention to politics or really anything that didn't involve the weather being nice so we could go out and play or what we were getting for Christmas. As we got a little older all we worried about was school activities and whether we would get our drivers license and dating and all of the other teenage things.

This stuff with dirty politicians has always been going on - we just weren't paying that much attention. Then as we aged and started to embrace more of the world around us we starting seeing all of the dirt on our rose colored glasses. We started paying taxes and paying attention to where that money was going or not going.

Secondly information is much more available to us. Back then there wasn't the internet and tons of cable news shows that were digging for anything to put on the air. Many of these things the pols were doing we just were not hearing about. Journalist used to wink and nod at things the politicians were doing, they never really reported all of the dirt. Just like now with police officers, decades ago if you were driving drunk many would just tell you to be careful and go home, now they are very eager to arrest you. It's a gotcha society now.

I think as we age we will start reverting back to when we were kids, All we will worry about is the weather, whether we will get banana pudding with our lunches, what are the specials down at the diner, do I have enough depends to get me through the day. Things like that. It's the circle of life and what always will remain constant is that many politicians are dirty, they always were and they always will be.
Absolutely! I never thought of it that way. Yeah, when you're 18, 19, you don't think about who should be the President, etc. For instance, now that I'm no longer a homeowner, I'm not as interested in what's going on with property tax, etc. No grandchildren in School so I'm not concerned about what's happeing there either. I know that Burris lied, but its kind of confusing to me about how he lied. The first time or the second time? HELP! (Where's Marshmellow)? Big Grin
I believe our 'junior' Senator is on his 4th version of the story. If he has another we likely won’t hear about it as he has now decided to cut the press off from any questions.

But what can be done about Burris? If he took the job despite requests that he not take a 'tainted' position, why would he resign now because of requests from some of the same people? I read where a bunch of black ministers were going to ask him to resign. Oh, Please! Burris' ego could fill McCormack Place North. He isn’t going to let Tribune and Sun-Times editorials sway him from his cushy job in Washington. He's getting a very nice salary, benefits, another taxpayer-paid pension, and as long as he is the 60th vote in the Senate, nobody is going to try to kick him out. Reid needs Burris to be happy enough to vote with the party, and an attempt to expell Burris on anything but an actual, serious, criminal act would be a disaster and might get Roland just a little mad...mad enough to either vote Present, or worse, vote with the GOP.

Harry Reid could try to kick Burris out, but after his fiasco in attempting to bar Burris from the Senate for the bogus (and later deemed unnecessary by a judge) reason that Jesse White wouldn't put the State Seal on Blago's appointment document, Burris was welcomed into the 'Club'. Even if Burris is charged with perjury, the Senate has never thrown out a member who was charged with a crime, as this would've violated the Senator's rights under due process. Remember, Sen Stevens was on trial and nobody suggested throwing him out until the jury's verdict was read.

Burris would have to be charged by the State of Illinois for perjury, which Burris could counter in court that he provided clarifications to the Committee in accordance with the law. Once Burris is tried, there are hearings and other court proceedings (which would include continuances and numerous depositions). If Burris was convicted by a jury (which finding a non-biased jury would also be difficult as pre-trial publicity and the race card would definitely be brought up), then the US Senate would have to go through its own proceedings. Add up the time, and you have Burris sailing through to 2010, where he could simply run for re-election, collect campaign contributions, lose either the primary or general elections, and he is out of office without penalty.
Thank You Marsh----he would really look and sound like a fool if he used the "race" card. Race has nothing to do with being a liar. So it looks like even if he doesn't maintain the "Seat" nothing will happen to him anyway. "Woe is us" :cry:
Burris isn't worried about looking foolish if he used the race card in jury selection. It's both a stall tactic, and something to use as grounds for a retrial. It doesn't mean it would be successful, but it would give him additional time to collect another Senate paycheck. (and gives the stone cutter more time to chisel 'US Senator' on Burris' mausoleum.)
Gotcha Brother.

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