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So was the meeting in English or held in Spanish?
goodintentions Wrote:So was the meeting in English or held in Spanish?

The meeting was held in English. The beginning prayer was said in Spanish. The woman said in broken English sorry she couldn't do it in Eng. but God heard everything.

Alderman Koncan was also there.

Anna asked in English if anyone wanted the meeting in Spanish. Then the dime dropped and she asked in Spanish if anyone needed the meeting in Spanish. No one responded. Later a earnest guy was talking about the gangs in his neighborhood, his property tax... Anna asked if she should translate and an alderman said no he's doing fine. And he was.

If I remember correctly Ald. Figueroa said there are 1200 abandoned homes in Waukegan.

There is a grant for more cameras to be put in dangerous neighborhoods. They have been effective in other places they have been put.

DC Yancy, who will be taking over as chief of police April 1st? was an impressive speaker. He spoke of a wellness neighborhood program. Of cameras mentioned above. That the neighborhood watch programs were effective. I believe he said that there were 87,000 calls per year and 5600 arrests. He spoke of a 85 year old woman whose porch was taken over by gang members to sell drugs. He's going to get more sworn officers on the streets and not doing the paperwork.

So far seems like a good forum. People have a place to voice concerns to elected officials and get action. The friend I brought held back from joining as they are asking a $10 a month dues fee. She wanted to ask what for but there wasn't a chance.

The next meeting I think is February 26th at the library, 6:30 pm.

**I'm going to post somewhere else an article that says 80% of crime is committed by gangs. We need to attack our gangs aggressively.

[Image: march08038.jpg]
Fedup, I'm glad you went! I don't live within the limits of Waukegan - so I wouldn't have a say in the meeting - but I appreciate you going!
Thanks for letting us know what went on. It does sound hopeful.
goodintentions Wrote:Fedup, I'm glad you went! I don't live within the limits of Waukegan - so I wouldn't have a say in the meeting - but I appreciate you going!
Thanks for letting us know what went on. It does sound hopeful.

It was hopeful. It gave a chance for people who normally might not feel comfortable getting ahold of their aldermen or a city official. But it was also heartbreaking to hear what these people go through -no one should have to live like this.

Also, one of the alderman said that unemployment in Waukegan and North Chicago was 10%. Confusedhock:
Jazmin, time to put away the Hatorade. Please do not use this forum to denigrate CREW. You are more than welcome to attend meetings and to contact any of us off-site to see what we're about. Cheers.
JeffK Wrote:Jazmin, time to put away the Hatorade. Please do not use this forum to denigrate CREW. You are more than welcome to attend meetings and to contact any of us off-site to see what we're about. Cheers.
I fail to see how anyone with any brains could belong to this CREW group. I've been following thier ill-conceived approach and I wonder what the founders were thinking. Do they really think a member of their group who supports candidate "A" will then go out and volunteer time to support candidate "B" when that person is chosen. What a load.
there seems to be plenty of hatorade to go around. shame that not everyone can keep a civil tone
For the umpteenth billionth time, the purpose of CREW was to have a forum where the same set of questions can be addressed by each of the mayoral candidates of Waukegan. I have already begun my support of the candidate of my choice. The others, of course, are able to throw support behind whichever candidate THEY choose. As a collective group, if there is a candidate everyone agrees on supporting, then there will be a concentrated CREW effort to do campaign work towards that candidate. Again, the main purpose was to have a forum for the candidates. Take care...
From the CREW website:

Welcome to the New & Improved CREW
09/22/2008 17:45
Assemble, organize, and facilitate positive changes for the
City of Waukegan

Are you willing to step up and take ownership of the issues at hand, and help create a new direction for our City? With some hard work and determination you CAN make a difference. Concerned Waukegan citizens - who are tired of the endless vacuum of leadership that has plagued our City for over a quarter century - have taken a stance. We are organizing and identifying those dynamic individuals who have the qualities to lead our City out of the quagmire it has been stuck in for too long.

This is not a static group, and your participation is necessary. We are exchanging strategies and identifying tasks with the sole purpose of producing a new, pro-active administration in Waukegan. Demonstration By Action is our moniker; securing our future is our goal.

We are not affiliated with any political party or particular candidate; we intend to support those individuals who have the vision, integrity and passion to help lead our City towards a brighter future. By building a solid foundation from which we can generate a vibrant regional presence, we will have started the process of revitalization that Waukegan so richly deserves.

Only by standing tall and drawing a line in the sand can we make a difference. If we wait idly by for change we are at the mercy of those who have proven to be poor stewards of our City. By actively searching, supporting and securing dynamic and creative individuals to lead Waukegan, we will have taken the first steps of many to put Waukegan back on the map.

How do I join CREW?:

We will be launching a forum and calendar of events for CREW within the next few days.

Active participation is our mission. We will use the CREW forum as a vehicle to communicate and debate issues pertaining to our City. As soon as the forum is live, you may join it by giving us your name and contact information (no anonymous posting will be allowed). The link to the new forum will be available on the front page of this website.

This is not an anonymous, gossip forum to be filled with slander, personal attacks and partisan squabbles. Nor is the forum designed for discussing recipes, football scores and gardening tips. This forum is aimed at individuals who want to roll up their sleeves, those who want to take back the City, those who believe in positive change for Waukegan.

Please feel free to email the CREW moderators directly if you have any questions or comments.

We look forward to hearing from all of you very soon……Thanks!

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