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Editorial: Helping our neighbors (Wkgn) to the north
Then there are all the people I meet who are embarrassed to live in Waukegan. "Oh,well I live on the western border right next to Gurnee" comments are so annoying. One of our southern neighbors' banks, Highland Park Bank was a sponsor of the 8th Annual Mardi Gras Silent Auction & Casino Night to benefit Waukegan Main Street. Some folks in Waukegan can use Lake Forest residents' help. But what Waukegan really needs to make a long term impact is involvement (and counsel) of large businesses such as the Highland Park Bank. I was surprised to see this but encouraged. Well organized, financially successful professionals providing donors (and input) is just what we need. - Assuming it's a well run bank with some leadership who enjoy making a positive impact. Outsiders welcome for such endeavors. Maybe they can be recruited to add input and guidance, our town sure needs it.

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Re: Editorial: Helping our neighbors (Wkgn) to the north - by suele3 - 05-17-2013, 01:25 AM

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