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number3 Wrote:First of all I do not live in the 6th ward and hope never to if this is the type of people who live here. This "discussion" has gone on for some time and I hope ends with the election. I don't know what you people have against Suzi Link but you are unbeleivably RUDE. Larry Tenpas was a good alderman in his time but his time has passed. Now the smart decision is to give someone else a chance. Waukegan has been spiralling into despare for some time now. The best thing for us to do is start fresh and replace the ENTIRE CITY COUNCIL. Are property value are non exsistant, are taxes are taxing people right out of there homes, the schools are a mess, and we have no retail base. We can't sell our homes and move because there are so many empty houses already. The definition of stupid is to do the same thing over and over again and we expect to get a different result. At the polls tomorrow you have a chance to make a change, we already know what more of the same means.

Unbelievably rude?

You're laying the problems of a national recession and its effect on property values on the feet of Alderman Tenpas. Prior to the recession, property values in our ward--and in our downtown-- climbed dramatically. Look at the statistics.

You obviously don't live in the 6th Ward because you wouldn't lob that comment at supporters of our alderman with the rude campaign literature Suzy's put out on an alderman who has been elected and reelected some three decades and for those decades he's taken care of us, our children and now our grandchildren--still getting out there and facing the bad element eye-to-eye and mowing a lawn himself and answering your widowed mom and grandma's phone calls at 2a.m. and going to their homes to boot! Larry Tenpas knows what he's doing on city council and most important during these times of cutbacks--when we're going to have a hard time getting our phone call answered at city hall--he's available ALL DAY LONG, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, to handle our matters in this ward. And he handles them on weekends too!

Suzy Link works FULL TIME, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, ALL DAY LONG for AT&T! She has a winter home in Florida. She's tan all winter long.

You do the math.

You're rude to suggest that OUR WARD should get rid of Larry Tenpas for Suzy Link.

You replace your alderman.

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Re: BUSY-BUSY-BUSY SUZY LINK FOR ALDERMAN: - by SuxlinkSux - 02-21-2011, 11:35 PM

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