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I do not think we will ever see Susan Link walking around our neighborhood by herself checking for broken sidewalks, ill kept houses or garages, or following up with residents that have issues with gang bangers and drug dealers. She seems a bit to 'uppity' for that. I can see her sitting in an office or meeting all dressed up and playing the part, but not on the street and in the neighborhoods where she needs to be. Heck, I don't think she even does her own yard work, does she?

Any way, TenPas has his downfalls, but I have to admit, he has always responded when there has been an issue in our neighborhood that needed taken care of. He is tough, which is what is needed when you are dealing with some of the day to day things happening on the streets in Waukegan. When we had an issue with drug dealing next door, he was there in minutes. When we had code violations, he came and brought the proper city officials to get the situation taken care of. He may not always vote the way I would like, but what politician ever votes the way you like all the time.

I agree that Larry is up in years and it would be nice to get a fresh prospective and perhaps a young go getter to carry on, but we haven't got a candidate like that, so he deserves another term. We have enough of the Link family meddling in our city's business and not bringing home the 'bacon', so to speak, for Waukegan. All they want is more power and what I want to know is which one of them is going to run for Mayor next go around? They are not Bill and Hillary Clinton...not by a long shot.

And, who is paying for all the political literature and phone banking that is going on with her campaign? Sure a lot of money being spent to try to buy this election...but I still haven't seen HER in the neighborhood, knocking on doors and talking to residents...sure have seen Larry out there though.

You may not agree with me, but I have the right to my opinion.
4 votes in our house for TenPas.

you happy now a response :-)

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Re: BUSY-BUSY-BUSY SUZY LINK FOR ALDERMAN: - by frankiegirl - 02-20-2011, 01:38 AM

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