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Do any of you people realize how broke our city and state is? What this town needs is a change of political direction. I have heard your bleats for the city to bring in some restaurants, but if our downtown actually had anything going for it, business people would be tripping all over themselves to get in on the action. Why don't some of you social engineers put your money where your mouth is, or shut up. Take a g-o-o-o-o-d look at the layout of your so-called lucrative downtown and tell this forum which Genessee Street address you would like to locate your new restaurant or business. Our city is broke and our state is broke, just in case you thought that the stressed out taxpayers of Waukegan would subsidize your dream. Waukegan needs to learn how to run an efficient, basic, city government first, before any businessman will even consider taking a risk in this now dysfunctional, mismanaged community. The yearly average pay of your Waukegan city employee now stands at 69,000. dollars. And that doesn't include any benefits(vacation, federal holidays, accumulated sick days, and HEALTH CARE AND PENSION BENEFITS.> I have to say, most of you people sound like you think you are going to receive some kind of personal benefit from pumping up your own particular political candidates. In my humble opinion, both represent more of the same. One is a state senators wife, with a daughter on the city payroll, the other is a former, highly compensated drivers training instructor/coach with a son on the city payroll. You people really need to pull your head out of your asses and breath in some fresh air for a change, please.

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Re: BUSY-BUSY-BUSY SUZY LINK FOR ALDERMAN: - by not the status quo - 02-06-2011, 04:40 AM

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