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Selling the lakefront
Go ahead, raise a tax on package liquor and tavern drinks, I'll just buy my bourbon outside Waukegan. It's funny to me that these incompetents never take a pay cut themselves. Yea, the Mayor is taking 12 furlough days, but that is meaningless in the overall economic picture. An across the board pay cut and benefit cut for the Mayor and Aldermen would be the rational thing to do. Why are Aldermen included in the pension program? Do they also receive healthcare benefits for themselves and perhaps even for their spouses? Remember a few months back in the news regarding the city's wish list for construction projects? Why are we still talking about these wasteful lakefront projects? Moving tracks? Lakefront bike paths? City-owned property renovation? Well, that whole theater thing didn't work, let's plow on with lakefront development, maybe that will work. Look at all the grading work they did at the old diamond scrap yard property and south. That developer was asking for 3.8 million dollars at a recent council meeting.
We're B-R-O-K-E and deeply in debt. Thanks to gmg77 for the items listed below. The comments in red are mine

$1 million toward rehabilitation of city-owned buildings in the downtown or lakefront areas. One candidate mentioned by the city for “redevelopment or demolition” is the former News-Sun building on Sheridan Road. Wasn't that whole block purchased by a developer?

* $1 million toward acquisition of downtown and/or lakefront property. Possible projects mentioned include buying land for the modernization of Pershing Road, relocation of rail lines, and extension of the Belvidere Road bridge across the Amstutz Expressway to the lakefront. Are these people crazy?
* $1.1 million for improvements to slip No. 3 in Waukegan Harbor, which is currently a containment cell for 1991 PCB dredging material and is proposed to be used for boat storage. Is this city getting into the boat storage business?

* $740,000 for engineering on two proposed bridge projects — the Belvidere Road extension, and rehabilitation of the Genesee Street bridge over the Waukegan River. City officials report the Genesee bridge, last renovated in 1984, has deteriorated to the point where it could be closed to traffic. Fix the genesee street bridge and forget about extending the Belvidere Road bridge, we're in a DEPRESSION!
* $550,000 for improvements to the police station on West Street, including upgrading the heating and cooling system. Another $300,000 is proposed for repairs at fire stations 1 and 4, both of which are reported to need new roofs.

* Transportation improvements include $1.5 million toward repaving of about five miles of streets that have yet to be designated; $200,000 toward a Lake County project to widen Delany Road north of Sunset Avenue; and $130,000 toward construction of a proposed $2 million lakefront bike path from the Waukegan Metra station to Gate 4 at Naval Station Great Lakes. 2 million dollar bike path? I just don't think these people understand what their mission is as aldermen.

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Joined: Mon Feb 09, 2009 11:53 pm
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Messages In This Thread
Selling the lakefront - by gmg77 - 09-09-2010, 10:51 AM
Re: Selling the lakefront - by marshmellow - 09-09-2010, 02:10 PM
Re: Selling the lakefront - by ClassicalLib17 - 09-09-2010, 02:31 PM
Re: Selling the lakefront - by marshmellow - 09-09-2010, 03:38 PM
Re: Selling the lakefront - by ClassicalLib17 - 09-09-2010, 05:24 PM
Re: Selling the lakefront - by pauljs75 - 09-28-2010, 12:31 PM

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