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Genesee 'underperforming badly'
Anyone for a lakefront condo? "We have a jewel of a lakefront situated between Chicago and Milwaukee." I forget who, or how many, said that? The eight long term members of our city council( Koncan is fairly new,) who continue to fancy themselves as real estate developers/social engineers, need to be held accountable for their votes committing 10's of MILLIONS of taxpayer dollars to ill-advised development projects before they do anymore damage to our bankrupt city and school district. Maybe someone should look into our Park District's finances, the same people that have been in charge of our city run that too.

Messages In This Thread
Genesee 'underperforming badly' - by gmg77 - 09-08-2010, 10:58 AM
Re: Genesee 'underperforming badly' - by ClassicalLib17 - 09-08-2010, 03:45 PM
Re: Genesee 'underperforming badly' - by perhaps - 09-16-2010, 04:39 PM
Re: Genesee 'underperforming badly' - by perhaps - 09-20-2010, 02:14 PM

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