09-06-2010, 08:07 AM
Amusing yet sad video of Dubya above, Danno.
As for our system just structurally open to corruption, I opine that it is the huge influence of vast sums of money which corrupt it.
Our Founding Fathers did not foresee this development, such as rich powerful private banks and particularly The Fed...both Jefferson fought against a central bank, Andrew Jackson did, Lincoln warned of the rise of vast, huge corporations and special interests (for which many believe he was assassinated as a result) and Woodrow Wilson was crushed, both emotionally and physically, upon promoting and passage of the third new central bank for the USA, The Fed, back in 1913. JFK likewise saw the threat, tried to curtail The Fed and many believe it was the private bankers who had him assassinated for this "act of rebellion."
Our Founding Fathers had nothing against free enterprise and capitalism. Rather, they never envisioned how powerful special interests then global interests would become, and in their own way back to Washington warned against it.
Problem is that we did not heed their warnigs, ergo what we have today. A mess of an economy on Main Street while Wall Street revels in our misery, showing nothing but contempt for the average American worker. It is all about The Elites today, both nationally, on the state level and even on the municipal level.
As long as The Elites and many of Their puppets in government posing as our leaders are happy, fat and sassy, the rest of us are just a burden to them, an inconvenient truth, and we can just "go eat cake." New faces yet mostly same failed policies and lack of vision...and as the Good Book says in Proverbs 29:18 (KJV) "where there is no vision, the people perish; but he that keepeth the law, happy is he."
-- WT Reader
As for our system just structurally open to corruption, I opine that it is the huge influence of vast sums of money which corrupt it.
Our Founding Fathers did not foresee this development, such as rich powerful private banks and particularly The Fed...both Jefferson fought against a central bank, Andrew Jackson did, Lincoln warned of the rise of vast, huge corporations and special interests (for which many believe he was assassinated as a result) and Woodrow Wilson was crushed, both emotionally and physically, upon promoting and passage of the third new central bank for the USA, The Fed, back in 1913. JFK likewise saw the threat, tried to curtail The Fed and many believe it was the private bankers who had him assassinated for this "act of rebellion."
Our Founding Fathers had nothing against free enterprise and capitalism. Rather, they never envisioned how powerful special interests then global interests would become, and in their own way back to Washington warned against it.
Problem is that we did not heed their warnigs, ergo what we have today. A mess of an economy on Main Street while Wall Street revels in our misery, showing nothing but contempt for the average American worker. It is all about The Elites today, both nationally, on the state level and even on the municipal level.
As long as The Elites and many of Their puppets in government posing as our leaders are happy, fat and sassy, the rest of us are just a burden to them, an inconvenient truth, and we can just "go eat cake." New faces yet mostly same failed policies and lack of vision...and as the Good Book says in Proverbs 29:18 (KJV) "where there is no vision, the people perish; but he that keepeth the law, happy is he."
-- WT Reader