08-26-2010, 03:35 PM
corndog Wrote:ClassicalLib17,
It might or might not be to late, but I'll tell you this, Chief Greathouse is making very difficult to fight crime. He's continuing to make very bad decisions but he's very good in hiding them and making himself look good. Our Mayor and Aldermen don't see what he's doing, all they see is that he may be saving the city very little money, but in return he's putting the public in danger. If you think it's bad now, just wait until the Chief and Mayor bring the city's police department down to only 130 officers. You tell me....do you think 130 police officers is enough to protect this city??? The police department is at 148 right now, which is down from 175 which it is approved for. You tell me if that is enough???? Most importantly ask Chief Greathouse and the Mayor if that's enough. Go to the next city cousel meeting and ask the question if 130 officers is enough to keep the tax payers safe. You see how it is now, just imagine. Ask yourself if the Mayor is doing everything to keep citizens in this city. When you get rid of your downtown officer and community policing department, ask yourself if the deputy that told the jurors that downtown Waukegan is not safe was really right???? See when the last time the police department was down to130 officers, because we just regressed to that era. Waukegan is not the "City of Progress" its the city of Regress!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck to all of you, and don't forget to load up your weapons and wear your bullet proof vests.
Well, what can be done, CD?? All we hear is how "broke" the city is, so what are we going to get the $$$ to pay up to 175 officers, or even keep the 148 we have now?
What are the alternatives?
I do know that there are ongoing problems with code compliance issues in my neighborhood. Various residents including myself have called Waukegan Code Compliance, but no one is there to answer the phone. JUST voice mail ALL the time.
So the v/m says to leave contact info which IS done, still no call-back. I recently saw a comment in THE NEWS-SUN "Talk of the County" about this same issue with Wkgn Code Comcpliance.
My concern is that once "quality of life" issues pile up from being neglected as they are now with such non-response from the City of Waukegan Code Compliance Office, then other problems develop which may unfortunately include increasing criminal problems. MORE for a limited police force to then cope with plus adding additional issues for residents of Waukegan.
Increasing and ignored "quality of life" code compliance issues coupled with growing and festering criminal problems does not make for Waukegan to be a very "happy" place to be.
But all we hear as citizens is "Waukegan is broke, Waukegan is broke, Waukegan is broke." So what can The Mayor and the Alderpersons do in such a fix?
-- WT Reader