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Waukegan clerk fatally shoots robber, may face charges
To Julia,

At least he did not kill any body. So who are we to Judge. If they had camera's in the store like the paper said then the police could have identified the person and the police could have did what they had to do. Just like police have to do what they have to in the situation with the clerk, because the clerk shot someone that was not shooting at him. The clerk came out of his store and went across the street and shot and killed the young man that did not even shoot at him but was running out the store.

The clerk was in danger when the young man was in the store but when the young man left out the store he was no longer in danger. I don't mean any harm but I'm just saying. :|

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Re: Waukegan clerk fatally shoots robber, may face charges - by icebucket - 11-02-2008, 08:09 PM

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