06-05-2010, 11:21 PM
TypesWithFist Wrote:Blackdiamond Wrote:hock: I'm surprised at you for saying that. :cry:
Well. BD. you know it's true.
Kyle ran against Eddie with Link's support, twice. L
ink detested Eddie, the plain simple truth.
For them it's all about gaining power and control.
Those who are sanctifying Eddie Washington, because he died are mostly hypocrits manuevering for whatever political advantage they might gainout of the situation.
As for WT, he was on the wrong side and will not be brought back in from the cold.
Dear TypesWithFist:
You are one pitiful, dark soul.
This is neither the time nor place for such diagloue as yours, has nothing to do with "manuevering" or being on whatever "wrong side" your angry, revengeful, unrelenting petty mind so wrongly perceives.
Rather this is about a noble and great man, and a time to deeply mourn and remember him, this man being State Representative Eddie Washington.
I am reminded at this very moment, on the 42nd eve of the tragic fall of another great man, Robert F. Kennedy, of what his brother Ted said at his eulogy:
"My brother need not be idealized, or enlarged in death beyond what he was in life, to be remembered simply as a good and decent man, who saw wrong and tried to right it, saw suffering and tried to heal it, saw war and tried to stop it. Those of us who loved him and who take him to his rest today, pray that what he was to us and what he wished for others will some day come to pass for all the world.
As he said many times, in many parts of this nation, to those he touched and who sought to touch him:
"Some men see things as they are and say why.
I dream things that never were and say why not."
State Rep. Eddie Washington likewise was like such " ...a good and decent man...."
-- WT Reader