06-04-2010, 12:00 PM
ClassicalLib17 Wrote:Dear believeinwaukegan, I am getting a sense that you are some kind of liberal leftist. Why don't you post a scientific article backing up your personal assumptions on nuclear power generation, or read my topic " Common Sense Energy Policy" on page three in the politics section.I agree that the subject of the oil spill is a good one to talk about but it should have it's own thread. Why would you want to produce electricity utilizing a dangerous substance which is potentially harmful to the environment you live in when such an approach is unnecessary due to the fact that the technology exists to produce electricity without using dangerous substances? It'd be like using a sodium cyanide solution to wash your dishes when soap and water work just as well. Of course if you were brainwashed to believe that a sodium cyanide solution was the only effecitve way to wash dishes you might have a valid point... at least from your perspective.