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Carrasco: they will vote the way 'we' tell them
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When you have a few minutes listen to Margaret Carrasco's call to Libby this morning on WKRS. It was prompted by the article from the News Sun below.

I found the call a bit alarming. MC said they will vote the way 'we' want them to, we have an army out there (registering and canvassing), 'we' have the votes we need, she's registered hundreds of thousands of voters... You've just got to hear this.

I am all for newly minted citizens to vote. But just listen to what she says about all that. I found it chilling when she said, they will vote the way 'we' tell them. Who is we pray tell? And the American way is to vote who you bloody well want to vote for.

Also mentioned she was busy with another federal suit. Anyone know what she is up to now???

Immigrant voters could swing races
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October 24, 2008

The Associated Press

An advocacy group says immigrants could be a deciding voting bloc in at least eight Illinois congressional races where they make up more than 12 percent of the population.

The report was released by the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights.

Among the tightest races mentioned in the report are the 10th District where Democrat Dan Seals of Wilmette is challenging GOP Congressman Mark Kirk, R-Highland Park.

The district has long been held by Republicans. But experts say it may be trending Democratic based on recent presidential elections.

The report says about 19 percent of the district's population is made up of foreign-born residents who are now U.S. citizens, making them eligible to vote.

The district covers portions of Lake and Cook counties.

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Carrasco: they will vote the way 'we' tell them - by fedupinwaukegan - 10-24-2008, 06:24 PM

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