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U S House passes reconciled Health Care Act..what it will do
ClassicalLib17 Wrote:I'm sorry, I forgot you only watch the Mainstream Media, you know, all the news outlets that are getting trounced in the ratings because they don't actually report the news. I guess you will have to watch Fox News, the only fair and balanced news programming available in the world today. " The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other peoples money" Margaret Thatcher

Again, I ask you to show me the content from the actual companies you earlier cite that have allegedly made "annoucenemts" regarding their corporate perspective on Health Care Reform.

Regarding your comment above "I'm sorry, I forgot you only watch the Mainstream Media.." how do you know what news media I "watch"? Have you witnessed what I "watch"?? Further, what business is if of yours what I "watch" or don't "watch"?

And as to the use of the term "socialism" in your response above, how does that fit into any discussion as to the year by year schedule of what the newly enacted health care reform law will bring to American citizens (which is the topic of this thread)?

-- WT Reader

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Re: U S House passes reconciled Health Care Act..what it will do - by WT Reader - 03-26-2010, 07:49 PM

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