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Nuclear Iran and U.S. Foreign Policy
I woner then where the US representative in the UN falls under in your terminoligy...

Or do you just yell "VETO" whenever a good idea comes to the table that might remotly make the world a safer place by not including the US?
We just had WW II 65 years ago, can we wait abit before going to WW III?

Or should we just bomd the evil Arabs into submission?
Or invade and create Iraq II?

I think the UN is more suited to solve his problem then the war mongering voices of the United States.
"The Dutch Guy"

Messages In This Thread
Nuclear Iran and U.S. Foreign Policy - by Harold - 02-27-2010, 04:29 AM
Re: Nuclear Iran and U.S. Foreign Policy - by Dennis_Ista - 02-27-2010, 01:58 PM

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