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Lake County: Massive mail in voting regist. fraud...
I misspoke in my last post about over/under-votes going through with no ballot box judge. I remember now: the ballot box machine will reject the ballot with an over- or under-vote; I'm pretty sure* the judge has to press an override button for the machine to accept the ballot anyway. So, any voter whose ballot got spit out by the machine would likely ask one of the officials to come over and help.

Still, I have concerns. My friend said she was specifically instructed to place her ballot in ballot box "D," one of 4 on site. Would the machine have rejected her ballot if she put it in the wrong box? I don't know*.

Also, ballot box judges receive additional training (and pay) for the extra responsibilities they take on, particularly in regard to securing the ballot box(es) and delivering them to the county clerk's office. So, did any of the election officials at the L'ville Twp site have that training? My friend didn't see anyone specifically identified as a ballot box judge, but she admits that she didn't scrutinize the name tags too closely.

And yes, I have taken these concerns to the proper authorities.

(*In case you're wondering, in addition to serving as a voter registrar, I've also served as an election judge, albeit several years ago. I'm a little rusty on the specifics.)

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Re: Lake County: Massive mail in voting regist. fraud... - by iconoclast59 - 10-18-2008, 04:41 PM

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