01-31-2010, 05:11 PM
Dear Dennis, I read alot about Holland, how are all those angry new immigrants working out for you people? The U.S. is still the beacon of freedom in the world, and you people are about to see a good example of that on the 2nd day of November, 2010, when the good people of this nation come out to vote, rejecting the current administration's push to turn us into you. I get a very sick feeling inside when I think that our good citizens were taken in by so many lies--but the beauty of our political system provides for constant change, never allowing any radical push to take a firm hold before being rejected by the free American electorate. I'm sorry that you have esteem problems caused by the nanny state you were raised in and also that other much greater threat to your existence, you know of what I speak! Allahu Akhbar Harold Beadling Oh, maybe I'm not allowed to say that